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The Mess They Made

America, please wake up
The kids were let into
The pharmacy with no
Adult supervision

They must have
Taken one
Pill too many
I called the CDC
To make a vaccine
They said, stupidity
Can’t be eradicated

Let me fast forward
It’s election season
Were about to choose
Your new leader

Maybe, flip a coin
Or elect a bald eagle

I regret to inform you
The border, a revolving door
And inflation so high, that
We need a spaceship
Back to planet earth

It’s not all a spill
Of beans on aisle nine
Just got to wait for
The right manager
That knows how
To clean their mess

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "The Mess They Made" presents a satirical commentary on the current state of affairs in America, touching on themes of political leadership, immigration, economic instability, and societal issues.

The use of everyday metaphors, such as "The kids were let into the pharmacy with no adult supervision" and "a spill of beans on aisle nine", effectively conveys the perceived irresponsibility and chaos. However, the metaphorical language could be more consistently applied throughout the poem to maintain a cohesive narrative.

The line "They must have taken one pill too many" seems to be a commentary on overindulgence or misuse of power, but it could be clarified or expanded upon for greater impact.

The use of direct address to "America" creates a sense of urgency and personal involvement for the reader. This could be further utilized in the poem to enhance the emotional resonance.

The transition from the pharmacy metaphor to the election season could be smoother. Currently, the shift seems abrupt and could potentially confuse the reader.

The lines "Candidates? Maybe, flip a coin or elect a bald eagle" effectively use humor to criticize the perceived lack of suitable political candidates. However, the line "Or elect a bald eagle" could be seen as a cliché. Consider using a more original metaphor to convey the same idea.

The final stanza introduces the concept of a "right manager" who can clean up the mess. This introduces a hopeful note to the poem, but it could be developed further to provide a stronger conclusion.

Overall, the poem effectively uses satire and humor to critique contemporary societal and political issues. With some refinement and development of its metaphors and narrative, it could have an even stronger impact.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

I am not a big fan of starting each line with a capital, unless...
every line is a statement. Be that as it may, I do think that if you manage punctuation well,
it makes things easier. My only other criticism, is that you missed the apostrophe in [we're].

Nicely done sir, ~ Geez.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

For your words

author comment

I have a question: What is the "CDC"? I like your poem and agree that stupidity is rampant, without a cure. my favorite lines are:

It’s not all a spill
Of beans on aisle nine
Just got to wait for
The right manager
That knows how
To clean their mess

It is also my hope that America wakes up in time...

*hugs, Cat

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Thank you for your feedback. The CDC stands for the center of disease control which was in charge of the guidelines during the coronavirus pandemic and all pandemics throughout the country and world

author comment
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