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Peace Versus War (on the homefront)
Always a battle brewing on our home front.
Thick, black smoke curled in the air
when they set to tearing down the house,
too many weapons in Her arsenal, unfair.
Only prisoners She took were the kids...
How she loved her skirmishes and clash.
More clever was she with tooth, nail and barb
Her last words would always take a slash.
He tried reasoning with Her on every point,
His position was from the fairness of a scholar
She went for His throat, a tactician was She,
She knew the value of His every dollar!
For me, peace was found at His side,
as He was not intent on Her demise.
She saw it as a crucial war to find victory
my two sisters took up position as Her spies
from infiltrating his business ledgers
to managing his money and books,
just "helping out Dad" with his job
sweet faces with intentions of crooks.
How they laughed at taking Him to the cleaners
each daughter a perfect mothers informers.
I knew about them after the damage was done
both of them, the consummate performers.
I got even with them in so many little ways,
they never knew what hit them for I was swift...
Thus started, the cold war, mine alone
getting at them, smack in the face was my special gift!
Thu, 2024-08-01 15:00
Neopoet AI (premium) - 5-29-23 version
The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:
This poem effectively uses the metaphor of war to depict a domestic conflict, which provides a strong narrative structure and emotional resonance. However, the poem could benefit from a more consistent meter and rhyme scheme to enhance its musicality and flow.
The use of specific names towards the end of the poem ("Kathy and Coral") is a bit jarring, as it introduces a level of specificity that is not present in the rest of the poem. If these characters are integral to the narrative, consider introducing them earlier and developing them more fully.
The poem's perspective shifts between the first and third person, which can be confusing for the reader. It may be beneficial to maintain a consistent point of view throughout the poem.
The poem's language is generally clear and accessible, but there are moments where it becomes a bit vague or abstract ("getting at their worries and fears, was my special gift"). Consider revising these lines to make their meaning more explicit.
Lastly, the poem's punctuation is inconsistent, with some lines ending in commas, others in periods, and others with no punctuation at all. Standardizing the punctuation could improve the poem's readability.
Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to
Thu, 2024-08-01 21:17
Utilizing the theme...
to deal with a domestic and familial situation, was not on my radar when I started this piece. I quickly realized that this was the case, with the lines: "Only prisoners she took were the kids." "He tried reasoning with her on every point". Very clever stuff!
I understand that the AI was a bit perplexed at the use of specific names; I think that it could have been useful to use less specific identities and maybe use [they, them, etc.]. True, a better use of punctuation may have made it more readable, but all in all, I got the message quite clearly. ~ Geez.
There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.
Fri, 2024-08-02 08:44
Dear Geezer,
Thank you for your input. I have added punctuation. I hope it reads easier now. thank you for your input.
*hugs, Cat
When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.