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May 2020 Contest Winner

Congratulations to the winner: Teddy15
Please visit the winning poem here:

Thank you to all participants for entering this past contest and all contests.


Hi, Teddy,
Congratulations! Beautiful poetry!

Congratulations, Teddy! A lovely poem indeed for the May contest. All the best, Gracy

"My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies; fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly, my friends.” – Freddie Mercury

You deserved it

V. Well done!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Good job I like Teddies lol
Damn another cruise...
Second place again,
but mine was to long for first lol.
Great write we will enjoy more from you..
Yours Ian x

Words can build a nation

I was second
you must know
TEDDY 15 edited mine also
said 'twas

So now you must be happy
with a tear
third position
Ian dear
rise like a PHOENIX don't fear
neo's poet IAN
you are clear
o dear

Whoops that would have been my place had I not withdrawn , as my poem was too long lol.
So fed up now, I am stuck at home in lock down, all cruises were cancelled they have a sickness, I am still waiting for my trophy from January, but I am lucky, didn't have to add it to last years earnings lol Take care and great to walk with you as always,
Yours Ian ..

Words can build a nation

you saved your ITAX
Ian missing u as always
keep passing my ways

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