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April 2024 Contest Winners

Congratulations to our April 2024 contest winners!

Spring Fling  was won by Carrie with the poem Spring Fling

04/24 I Was An April Fool was won by Geezer with the poem Fooled Again...

04/24 Waiting In Line was won by  Mary Beth Magee  with the poem The Last Time

04/24 Are We There Yet?  Was won by Rula with the poem We're Almost There For It

04/24 My Favorite Cookie was won by Leslie with the poem After school treat!

Poetry Month 2024 Imagine Contest Vote

Vote for this month’s image prompt contest winner

Voting ends May 6th 2024.

Vote at the end of this newsletter.



By: Carrie

All the things that I wanna write
Have been written
All the songs that I wanna sing
Have been sung,
All the things that I wanna say
Have been said before
D A Em G
All the things that I wanna do have been done.

I wanna fly a kite
At night instead of day,
I wanna drive a big old truck
The opposite way
I wanna laugh when I’m sad,
And cry when I’m happy and gay
I wanna do what no one’s done
Any other day.

I wanna wear all my clothes
Wear em all inside out,

I wanna be real quiet,
When everybody else wants to shout
I wanna see the stars
When everybody else sees the sun
I want my day to end
When everybody else’s has begun.

Wouldn’t it be weird, wouldn’t it be funny and strange
If everyone thought like this,
Slightly deranged.



Lost Love

By: Alex Tanner

Should I recall those blissful times
When we like climbing flowers entwined;
Our blossoms scented evenings air
As Love and Lust forsook our cares.

Your laugh was soft and gentle,
A butterflies wings in spring,
Dancing on the sunbeams
Enough to make me sing.

Eyes so bright they sparkled
Diamonds on moonlit snow;
Flashing hither and thither
To make my pulse race so.

We held each other gentle
Yet tight so not to break,
Though deep, our love could never last,
Different paths our lives would take.

For fleeting months we tarried,
Each time we met we knew
This may be the last time
For lovers hours are few.

If I love ten thousand women
Tis you I will recall;
You gave yourself so willing,
For your passion I did fall.

On black nights as the wind howls,
As I lie in a bed so cold,
Your soft voice echoes 'cross the years
To warm my lonely soul.


Vote Here

Thank you for your participation.

This week the Neopoem is


 Whistle Stop Grove by Izzi Reinier


Let us congratulate Izzi Reinier on his first contest win as a neopoet member.

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Pandora's Box

Indulge yourself in this fictitious tale
About a girl who removed a lid.
Upon said lid’s abrupt removal
She convinced herself of just approval.
The box she was terribly teased by
Of which the lid was quickly removed,
Proves to us all that temptation’s not easy.
This was Pandora’s box of deadly sins
There were seven of them in total
Because she was mistaking hopeful.
As a result of her hope in the box we can’t cope.
We’re human and our lives are tormented
All because the girl was greedily tempted.

Spring Fling

You came into the world,
In September, it was Spring!
Unplanned, yet full of life,
A tiny little thing.

Your smile was like the sun,
You lit up a darkened room
Your eyes reflected who you were
You grew up, far too soon.

The love you have, inside of you,
Your heart could be, the flower.
Standing brightly in your garden
Your stems, they give you power.

So here you are in this Spring fling,
For all of us to see.
In full bloom, that small wee thing,
Was really just old me.

The light inside

Are your motives as pure
as you'd like them to be?
Do you think about things
that ought not to be?
When the morning returns
were you able to sleep?
Is your heart heavy laden
with the dreams that you keep?
Does your conversation lag
does it put you to sleep?
When you can't find the words
that are worthy to repeat.
Did your mantra empower you
or induce your retreat?
Did you discover a way
to release your negativity?
Did you fight your way out
are you back on the street?

The Face of God

I saw it when
the Moon
kissed the Sun.

The two fell silent,
devoted to each other
in divine bliss.

And the Earth
grew cool and dark,
as if praying in a holy room.

And I, I saw the Face of God -
glorified and dignified,
adorned within a halo
as the stars genuflected across the sky,
one by one passing through this sacred veil.

Conflicts stopped.
Civilizations quieted.
Bird and beast grew still.
And for a few moments, all were forgiven.


My eyes are blind. Because of two reasons. First, of all, I do have a blindfold on them.
Secondly, nobody asks me about them, and of their color.
Today, without attention.

Tomorrow, maybe I will be a little more mature.

I will conjunct the words into a sentence.

I will see.

It’s a waste of time, for a talk with an eyes turned towards your way.

Flinging Spring...

Flinging water everywhere,
the old and chilling breeze
ruffles the feathers of sparrows,
reminding them of the promise.

Warm inside their cozy nests
huddled lovers making songs
built from memories,
that the world will hear tomorrow.

Sealed with the kiss of Autumn,
dreamt of the winter through,
awaiting the awakening,
it's Springtime's little fling.

Consider the following
dogmatic, enigmatic, fantastic,
idiotic, jargonistic, kimetic, linguistic,
narcissistic, opportunistic,
poetic, quixotic, rhapsodistic,
scholastic, transformistic,
universalistic agglomeration
as an abbreviation
overactive imagination
wrought demonic manifestation


I wanted to know that thing higher,
but clay heavily weighed my hand.

I wanted to know that lightness,
effervescence, where sun sparkles,
and the very air holds in radiance.
I wanted to know those things higher.

But too often have I bumped my head
reaching for the immaterial, it so
impractical, so seeming nothingness.

Now I no longer try; clay is hard enough
to build sky skyscrapers, hard enough
to pierce the clouds, -and beyond.

Fooled Again...

Fooled Again...

Warm breeze dances with cold winds
round and round they go.
Through the trees, wind whipped thin,
hear them sigh and sough.

Flutterbys and hummingbirds
sipping nectar brews,
carry smells and sexiness,
just like precious jewels.

May will gather her bouquet,
Kiss her brow, my favorite sun,
caress her skin with warmth, I say,
she'll love you when you're done.

The fall off part 2

Out on the dusty plains where the sun burns hot and bright,
There rode a man with a heart as dark as the starless night.
He went by the name of Falloff, a legend in these parts,
Known for his quick draw and his deadly aim that broke men's hearts.

In the town of Deadwood, they whispered tales of his past,
Of a love long lost and a betrayal that would forever last.
Falloff rode into town one day, his eyes cold and steely,
Looking for a man who had done him wrong, a man named Billy.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.