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: ) : ) : ) : ) 's

walking to the corner store
I saw a girl
she smiled at me
I felt good
she was pretty

a sweet simple gesture
high-lighting a day

you've heard the expression
"high on life"
think I've discovered
the active ingredient
...a sweet simple gesture

don't bogart the buzz
pass it around

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


a simple write describing one of life's simple pleasures. Also very, very enjoyable...............scribbler

I hope "simple" isn't seen simply as fluff....fluff may be simple, not all that is simple is fluff....and if this is perceived as too fluffy, that's ok . I have many guilty fluffy pleasures myself, and though I may be wrong, I think most people do.

I thank you for not dismissing this out of hand because of the fluff factor.

"fluffle on, merry poets,
we are all multi- dimensional
don't keep secret
what we already know"


author comment

simple is a good thing in this instance. To have gone any other way would have lessened the honesty of the moment................stan

Some things just are...and if it made you smile then that's the best part of it, this post made me smile. Restores a little faith in humanity when you give nice you get nice back :)

"The perfect woman perpetrates literature as she does a small sin: as an experiment, in passing, to see if anybody notices it - and to makes sure that somebody does." - Nietzsche

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