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Nature's words

Nature's words.

The firs and pines they speak
their wind tossed branches
wave their words
across the miles of lake
to echo in the firmament
up high
where skylarks fly
and birds of prey they wait
to spy the mouse and vole
far down below

In silence
every sound
the words of trees
of tiny squeaks
the mice
the trees that rub each other
grown too close
the birds that chatter
sing their solo songs
in hollow timbered woods
where clear the Songthrush
rings his three fine notes

The Robin trills so joyously
the crow its organ croaks
the frogs whistle and moan
while on the throne of wisdom
silent in his way
the owl at night
too whit to woo's
at those who sleep
as he sleeps in the day.

The sheer intelligence
of natures utterances is sure
their messages are used
to every good
the warning stamp of deer
of rabbit too,
the sudden cry of foxes in the dark

The pine cone drops, a thud
the stone stirs in the scree
the leaf on water falls and floats
the pebbles in the sea
so many of these natural things
make music for our minds
to ponder at the wonder
of their correspondence
with our souls.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Editing stage: 


Thats exactly what my Rottie, Halas and I would do. Early in the morning before the rest of the world ruined things with ignitions turning, gravel spinning etc. We would simply sit nestled together and watch and hear the world living. Nothing funnier than watching the birds and squirrels have an acorn throw by or a worm whipping. Loved the imagery here. My Halas is gone a year on June 25th and the world just doesn't live the same any more thru the eyes of grief. Thanks for bringing it back if only for a minute.


Pegasus was a genius,
living within a suit of difference.
He liked what he was,
nodded in respect and
simply flew . . . away.

By: K. Mulroney

" I am who I am, say what I say, do what I do. With no apology."

If Rottie is a dog, then when they, alert look at nature listening intently, the atmosphere is given an intensity that it wouldn't have without, isn't it? As if they were attuned to all the slight sounds we cannot even hear, as they are.

Their sense of smell too must make the experience an exciting one, as well as a kind of calm, with his/her master sitting quietly listening with him. I know this too!!

Thank you, but you can conjure it up even in the middle of a noise, if you listen to your inner ear! Love Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

I felt as if I was with you there enjoying nature in the woods, loved the ending!

Hope you are able to do this too, I know you love the ending!!
There seemed no alternative word for soul in this context.

Love to you from Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

What a wonderful thing to be accused of
dear Rosina,
that is EXACTLY what I wish to do to
all who read my poems,
make them more aware for themselves
and see/hear/feel more
when in the simplicity/complexity of nature.

Oh and how the birds sang
in the little wood beside the lake yesterday,
so many of them, many warblers I haven't heard before
and the amusing Yellow Hammer with his:
"little bit of bread and no cheese." You know him don't you?
His name i Norway is yellow sparrow!!
Not sure why Hammer
perhaps because long ago
when they used to hammer the iron in turns
a continuous sound,
this little bird reminded them of it.

Love to you Rosina, and thank you. Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

piece of writing which took me into the heart of nature.



"Death" is nonsense: what is there to die?
"Life"? How could " life" "die"? That is a contradiction
in terms. Can "light" become "darkness"?
"Light" can only cease to be apparent

Wei Wu Wei

I am made happy that it did.
That's where I feel at home
and stimulated to sense all.


"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment
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