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Kondums for the mind

Perforate your perversions
you hiss in a throaty whisper
this dry weather has made
you the concubine of chance
and with a pinky finger waving
you hand me your empty

"summer is rotten" you say
staring with your bedroom
eyes filled with glacial pool
blue your glorious hair trickles
down your chest
a nibble of ear shows
the mascara heavy and dark
like a storm cloud above the
moon thin atmosphere of
that heart shaped face

"like winter ice and treacherous hearts"
I say and I take your glass and kiss the
sweet smelling top of your head
lavendar oil and Chanel number five

the typewriter sits on the table
silent gleaming chrome and oiled
teeth to dimple poems on virgin
sheets the silk ribbon blood
black and night red

polish vodka and tomato juice
outside the kitchen a bird stalks
an insect the nieghbours cat
stalks the bird
the ice glistens like tears

your camisole is dirty but
its not Friday not wash day
the turqouise machines
drying spinning like myths
the bundles of sweat and
sex stained clothes
the want ads and for sale
items tacked to the wall
like prayer ribbons fluttering
in the fans gaze

I lay beside her and hand
her her glass
she takes a long sip
and i wipe the drops that
linger at the corner of her
china doll mouth

always lost in that pale sadness
she wears light
her eyes a hundred miles

I feel a poem roaming near
dancing beneath my fingertips
like the rains that sate her

like the pivot star of the sky
that shines through our
window at night
the one I stare at when she
talks in her sleep
and sits up

the ghost eye that keeps
me near when I stumble
in thoughts

bright and brittle
like life
sharp like love

Editing stage: 


led a sheltered enough life my dear I did until I had to hit the road
I went from mid twenties to meeting people raw of the road
whose lives were harsh from the day they were born Something
I didnt experience till the moment I spoke of we are all human
some of the most scarred had the most real of hearts
were more capable of Love then those whom had risen to claim
much of worth whose hearts were filled with bitterness and greed

not all were like this but some

and those exceptional Sum of individuals I did and still do Love
very deeply no matter whom they are and or were

Thank You Xena for your comment Im still waiting to comment
on your poetry about your Loss My condolences!


author comment

you took me to dizzy heights while reading through exceptional concoction of words ...and the essence of it makes it a superb blend...a pleasure read...

raj (sublime_ocean)

from adult to crime cosmo to confession Ive loved the hype of words
to soothe and rattle shock and titallate
travel mags and Harlequin
sci fi to history

but I love the short story
and the elongated story poems
from youth When winter would
shake the windows in our upstairs
dormer window and the single
bulb streetlight at the corner would
make shadows of the snowflakes
drifting down Like descending phantoms
eerie and fascinating

author comment

but all I would perhaps do
reading ur kondumised poetry,
is to ask Raj to stop short of coc...
and delete con ......

Oonderful poetry exotic and extatic
as one would feel in a kondome
inside a master sized Kondum
which both may perhaps donn.

I may have confused the issue
I did love the kondumisation
of natural street love.
Hope it always ended in cunsumatiom

great work i must say
i rarely read such lengthy poetry
but this one was orgasmic ...........


always loved the raw
(but not always) got thrown to the road life
and saw the brutal openess of that wild sky
that bittersweet hold that still attracts me
the mystery behind the weary eyes
and rare smiles

I dont read that much anymore
occasionally I will find a book by a new
author that strikes the chords of life
lived at the moment
without the cause nor concern
Joy de vie or complete oblivion
its hard to decipher sometimes and i
dont think its written to be deciphered
but to be exposed too

I enjoy writing
I enjoy poetry
I do sit and read magazines now
art ones and thought provoking
issues to alternative awareness

Im just happy that you found this
well to your tastes

Thank You

author comment

This is a good poem, but lacks the extraordinary power, imagery and powerful subtext of your previous work.

I want my tribal brother back. Your work then was sublime, brillliant and incomparable.

And I hate those rediculous mispellings in your titles. They add nothing.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

subtle pastels instead of the steadfast glory clots of colour
nothing remains steady each page to a chapter is another
chapter Im sorry I have gone missing for you
but I am finding someone
and the ghosts are marvelous

author comment
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