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mermaid ghost

in their beauty

poetry sliding
across the mind
like damp snowflakes
on wet eyelids

cast yourself
on your city shadows
your black temple doorways
the lilting sway

hold my arm
and in your room
you bathe in lights
that speak
and wander
in hurt visions

hunger for little
and regard more

how you love the
gaunt saints you
follow in soup kitchen

your glass repository
resins musks
and ointments

a mystery
a wish
a desire

christmasland enchantment

Editing stage: 


of little crits: Take out the [y] in everlasting, use a comma between resins and musks. That being said, I like the way you use the memory of scent at the last. I remember the old days of Hippie girls and earthy oils . I can still smell Patchouly. ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thanks Gee
and I barely use punctuation but a comma would come in handy
thanks for the comment! I knew those girls
and Love the perfumes
how intimate and personal
delightful meadows
and far flung ridges

the tides of time
rising and falling
in that depth of memory

the sweet and hurtful shores
of Love Lust and tranquility

author comment

Of course the "style" is not my favorite sort of poetry, but your grip of language is remarkable. I think calling the way you turn a phrase "a trick" is not very complimentary nor exactly right, but it's the best way I have of noting it. Like a mobius strip your wording traipses through one side, turns and curls out the other.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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Love the magic of poetry
or mystical way it can be resolved
like mirages

wordmagic is the best!!
Love poetry
love writing


author comment

Hello Beau!
thank you for commenting! I know too your remarkable
talent for prose and writing I am happy to see younger
writers contstructing works this early! it took me till
I was in my forties to really start to craft works that were
palpable and worthy!

author comment
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