Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

WHIRLWIND'S HARVEST ( an exercise for all)

Hi ya'll. While I'm taking a break I thought I'd give everybody some thing to play with. I'll start the poem. Only 2 rules :1. post only one stanza 2. stanza doesn't need to rhyme but it must have rhythm. So have fun and here goes..............

The stench and ugliness of war
has fertilized too many fields.
Regardless what the fight was for
were lost souls worth the meager yields?..................................................(bet ya'll were expecting a nature poem lol)

Editing stage: 


Very good. Not looking for perfect matching, just having some fun seeing where this winds up. Thanks for joining in.............stan

author comment

To suggest any changes would defeat the purpose of just letting folks have a bit of fun...........stan

author comment

The stench and ugliness of war
has fertilized too many fields.
Regardless what the fight was for
were lost souls worth the meager yields?

Even in the absence of bloodied bodies
our earth is still soaked in blood.
The bones of many still lay unearthed
each crusade flows red in a ferocity flood

This place has seen violence.
This place has seen death.
Hopelessness and pain,
Things best laid to rest.

(how is this?)

This is fine, just for fun so I won't be doing any critique, just sitting back and watching where this goes. thanks for contributing...........stan

author comment

the field of souls from many wars
yeilded much fruits and vegetation, and
the blood of the innocent
cry out for redemption

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

fun poem enjoyed participating

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

Just thought it would be interesting to see where this might lead. Thanks for your participation..........stan

author comment

i had said you will not a ghost lurking in the shadows you keep nudging us..but you have caught me in your ghostly trap....i will surely play this game hahaha...

raj (sublime_ocean)

The dark scribbler lurking in the shadows, awaiting the unsuspecting poet to wander past so he can pounce and attack with his bent quill ...insert evil laughter here.............stan

author comment

that's exactly what i

raj (sublime_ocean)

Awaiting your stanza.............stan

author comment

Yes...i am very keen to do it...should be soon...

raj (sublime_ocean)

stringing a piece to this chain...hope more will follow

The stench and ugliness of war
has fertilized too many fields.
Regardless what the fight was for
were lost souls worth the meager yields?..............(Stan)

Even in the absence of bloodied bodies
our earth is still soaked in blood.
The bones of many still lay unearthed
each crusade flows red in a ferocity flood ..............(Rosina)

This place has seen violence.
This place has seen death.
Hopelessness and pain,
Things best laid to rest. .............................................(Rhia)

How can souls Rest In Peace
though wreaths are laid on coffins
if whirlwinds of bloody wars
keep wrecking cherished lives?..............................(raj))

raj (sublime_ocean)

very good and thank you

author comment

There is no rest when love isn't the answer
to the question: why does anything all?
May all beings be free of suffering may all things rest
in awareness from the mouth of love's forever call.


thanks for joining in. Maybe you could paste this to the previous one?.........stan

author comment

why did you leave my stanza out. I thinking it just an oversight. add me please :)

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

my apologies for leaving out your are right it was through oversight and not intentional...

raj (sublime_ocean)

The stench and ugliness of war
has fertilized too many fields.
Regardless what the fight was for
were lost souls worth the meager yields?........................................................stan

Even in the absence of bloodied bodies
our earth is still soaked in blood.
The bones of many still lay unearthed
each crusade flows red in a ferocity flood..........................................................xena

This place has seen violence.
This place has seen death.
Hopelessness and pain,
Things best laid to rest...........................................................................................rhia

the field of souls from many wars
yeilded much fruits and vegetation, and
the blood of the innocent
cry out for redemption..............................................................................................barbra

How can souls Rest In Peace
though wreaths are laid on coffins
if whirlwinds of bloody wars
keep wrecking cherished lives?.............................................................................raj

There is no rest when love isn't the answer
to the question: why does anything all?
May all beings be free of suffering may all things rest
in awareness from the mouth of love's forever call............................................kaila

Thank you Rhia for stringing all stanzas posted thus far...

raj (sublime_ocean)

what is this form of poetry you have discovered and got us hooked? it "Stringlet"?...


raj (sublime_ocean)

Can't take any credit for discovering this idea lol. I think it's called a group poem. First ran across one here , I think seren got one started and I joined in. I hope everybody is enjoying this............stan

author comment

When I went to poetry readings in Cleveland, we did a *round robin* . Someone would start a poem and we would each add a line or two.

Always fun & interesting to see where it would go...


Round Robin. Could not get the name to surface through my dense skull lol................stan

author comment

yeah..its fun for sure...

i knew this is called round robin ..i was kidding

raj (sublime_ocean)

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