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Editing - draft

The Rescue

Some called her a rescue dog.
True, I adopted her from the local humane society.
The only home she had ever known was gone,
Her previous owner taken to a nursing home.
I found her there,
Huddled in a concrete-floored run,
Matted, tangled, with an overgrown coat,
And no eyes, it seemed, hidden under her bangs.
Truth to tell, she wasn’t much to see.
My heart ached for this little ink blot curled up on the floor.
She stood and crept to the gate where I stood.
Neck stretched out, she sniffed my hand.

Don't Look a Gift Horse in The Mouth

Although the night was cold
And the rain poured down
The crafty old fox, still felt bold.
He put up with the weather
Because he thought he was clever.
So, he conjured up a plan –
Living nearby was a horse called Gift.
The fox kept his eye, on the horse for a while
Whilst licking his lips – he was hungry, they were dry.
The horse was as fit as a fiddle
Because of the grass he ate - healthy greens.
The fox with white socks and red fur
Could also eat grass but meat he preferred

Spring Comes

Fields of springy clover
beneath my barefoot toes,
dance-happy feet kick up
a delight everyone knows!

Green, green all around,
a heart full of joys untold
rolling over and over in
nature's paradise hold!

In gardens of my growing hopes
tulips, buttercups and crocus
flourish healthily blossoming,
as Spring comes into focus.

Illusion of Equality

Anger coursing through my veins
At the injustices that surround
'Equality for all' a fine idea
One that the world resounds

I suppose it's equality at work
When you look at the labor force
Instead of looking any better
The statistics are looking worse

A man curses in public
He is applauded, but
A girl says the same thing
And she's dubbed a slut

Parents teach their boys
To fight for themselves
The girls are trained
To wish their bullies well

Hello From Mother Nature...

You would think by my destruction
of your little domicile
That I don't care for you
my little ragged child

But it's not true, I love you
you've just gotten in my way
I'm blowing out the bad air
built up from yesterday

What you don't understand
is, I'm cleaning up the mess
the stuff that makes me dirty
clinging to my dress

You pollute my sparkling oceans
trash is eaten by my fishes
You leave garbage everywhere
served on plastic dishes

Early Springtime


I recall your smile, front of forsythia, full bloom.

Photographs on  a sunshine day, McPherson Park.

Walking walkways, finding recollections, blossoming times.

You make me young, again, like forsythia blossoms.

A gentle breeze moves your hair strings, red, veiled.

I’m blown away, cross fragrances, early springtime,

Our lives fine, now sublime.


Our Boy, Gonzo (mon petit chou)

Going for walks in the hood,
you walked ahead on the grass
When I stopped, you did also,
I talked to you as we went along.

I loved the way you looked both ways
continuously when crossing the streets,
I marveled at the intellect that was you
taking enormous pride that we belonged.

We traveled everywhere together,
in my 1967 Pontiac goat(GTO) you rode
resting in my lap, with window view,
on my motorcycle, nestled inside my jacket.

Your Drug of Choice

You left me
To be with her

You drank her down
And came home to me

You thought I wouldn’t know
But I could smell her on your breath


You brought her home
And I let it slide

Again and again
I found her in my bed

I finally gained the courage
To tell you no more

“If you bring her home again
I won’t stick around”

And you brought her home again.
It was between me and her…

You chose her.
And I’m sorry…

That I wasn’t your drug of choice.

Turns Out You’re Everywhere (Even in The Stars)

I spread out my blanket and laid down on the ground.
I stared up at the stars,
Not looking for anything, just with my thoughts.

The stars danced around until they looked like you.
They had your same cheesy smile,
Your same bright eyes,
Your same curly hair.

I closed my eyes only to reopen them
And see that you were still there.

You asked what was wrong,
Said maybe I could talk to you about it.
I told you to go away.

You reached out to caress my face from the galaxies
And I turned away.

The Transition

Here’s the thing about being bipolar

Everyone knows about
the depression…

Everyone knows about
the mania…

But no one knows about
The time in between

The transition
Between phases

You feel nothing.
You feel numb.

I can’t cry
I can’t laugh
I can’t yell
I can’t feel

It’s as if
Something crawled under my skin
And into my soul
And took everything when it left.

And here I am,
Left with my emptiness
My nothingness
Waiting for the next phase…


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