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Melissa Gayle

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
poema cabbie's wisdom Melissa Gayle113 years 5 months ago
poemspoken through clouds Melissa Gayle613 years 5 months ago
poemthe stars wish i would stop penning hope paper umbrella1213 years 6 months ago
poemglass lilies CCfire913 years 6 months ago
poemMy Teachers vexations101813 years 6 months ago
poemThe Comet ride Eduardo Cruz1213 years 6 months ago
poemsunday fasting Melissa Gayle313 years 6 months ago
poemEnding Well Race_9togo1113 years 6 months ago
poemthreadbare Melissa Gayle713 years 6 months ago
poemEulogy For a Friend Race_9togo2213 years 6 months ago
poemA delusional love (A song for my lady) Eduardo Cruz1513 years 6 months ago
poemcorner cobwebs Melissa Gayle713 years 6 months ago
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