Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Open to new participants

Neopoet Weekly 07/21/24 to 07/27/24

Date Due:  July 27th 2024, at 12 Noon Eastern Time

Contest Guidelines:  40 lines or less and written in any form of poetry, and one poem per member.

 Prize: One month Premium, Recognition on your profile and published in our anthology.

Check out our Anthologies

Disconnected Image Prompt Contest

Image Link

Submissions Due: July 29th  2024.


Contest Process:  There will be two parts to this contest. The first part is judged by our anonymous judges that will select two finalists. The membership will vote for the winner.


 Guidelines: No longer than 40 lines, One poem per member

07/24 New Member Contest

Objective: Write your best fresh poem


Guidelines: For New Members only that have been on Neopoet for two months.

Any type of poetry that is 40 lines or less.

One poem per member.


Prize: One month Premium, Recognition on your profile and published in our anthology.


Check out our Anthologies


07/24 Lost My Wallet wants to challenge you to write poetry about this month's topic that is provided below.

Topic: Lost My Wallet

Deadline: July 31st   2024

Objective:  Write a poem about the topic above

Guidelines: The title is left to your creativity. 

                       Poems may be any type but must be forty lines or less. One poem per member

07/24 Falling For My Therapist wants to challenge you to write poetry about this month's topic that is provided below.

Topic: Falling for your therapist

Deadline: July 31st   2024

Objective:  Write a poem about the topic above

Guidelines: The title is left to your creativity. 

07/24 Mistress in the Closet wants to challenge you to write poetry about this month's topic that is provided below.

Topic: Mistress in the closet

Deadline: July 31st   2024

Objective:  Write a poem about the topic above

Guidelines: The title is left to your creativity. 

07/24 On The Road wants to challenge you to write poetry about this month's topic that is provided below.

Topic: On the road

Deadline: July 31st   2024

Objective:  Write a poem about the topic above

Guidelines: The title is left to your creativity. 

                       Poems may be any type but must be forty lines or less. One poem per member

Conversation With ...

Write a conversation poem. Some examples of conversation poems include Vincent Van Gogh, Vincent Price, A school yard bully, A loved one and an old friend, etc.


One poem per member.

Written in rhyme

40 lines or less


Date Due: July 31st   2024


Prize: 25 Dollar Amazon Gift Card, three-month premium, Recognition on your profile and published in our anthology.

Stream Workshop

This is an open workshop for everyone and for all poetry. All poems (even those in other workshops) are included here. This workshop is for all members to help improve their poetry skills through critique from fellow members.

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