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More Meter workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


A Terza Rima

I met/ a man/ who just/ the o/ther day
declared/ he wrote/ his po/etry/ for me.
“But we/ have on/ly met…”/ I tried/ to say.

He si/lenced me/ and said/ he did/ agree,
yet still/ each poem/ he writes/ is sure/ly mine.
I asked/ him to/ explain/ that I/ might see.


I can not out run ghost living in empty space

Ghost which haunt night and day recurring every day

Dancing dreams of misdeeds live inside tortured me

Wondering when will I be let free finding peace

Eternal burning flame that won’t be ever quenched


More Meter Ex. 1 Trochaic Pentameter

x = stressed o= unstressed


Jeffery Dahmer killed his neighbour: flushed him (down the drain)
Ed Gein ate his mother (and) played in (her) dirty dresses
While Son of Sam with gun in hand was killing golden (retrievers)
Fisher went and ate some children: buried them in (the) barn

xo xo x o xo: x o (o o x)
x o x o xo (o) x o (o) xo xo
xo x o x o x o x o xo xo (oxx)
xo x o x o xo: xo x o (o) x



Hurt, Pain, and Truth - more meter

To think the pain that comes is felt to learn
To stand the pain I bare the truth of hurt
To know the hurt I learn to take its truth
To break the threat of hurt I check my pain
To void the hurt I know before it comes
I learn to track the signs of hurt in time
I break its press before it writes the hurt
I think I know the signs although I’m blind
I look to read the pain of thoughts inside
I lose the train of thought when pain arrives


Wise Words (more meter workshop)

"Take care of hands and teeth,
your arse and your two feet."
wise words a man of old
relayed to me one day.


lights and words, (More Meter WS)

The stars of night shine bright upon the sky
At speeds of light they reach the earth, they say
The words we say are fast to reach their mark
At speeds so fast than lights we see, I’d say
You know the answer without another phrase


More Meter a real try,

Thinking can be the way of hurting, self
Self-knowledge is lost to the self-learning
Exploring all avenues is the road
When the eyes are open the rest will flow
The juices of understanding are warm
Taken in as hot medicinal tea
The healing of self is in the knowledge
Drink from the fountain and explore it all.
Neopoet is for me the fountain
Growing in my brain with great expansion.
The new megabytes have started a fire
Which will not be ignored by a closed mind
Maybe, More Meter is the catalyst


Or We Must Forever Hold Our Peace

George Washington once said he couldn't lie

then Abe Lincoln announced his honesty,

each President has since claimed they were, too

the only thing twas shared by all were lies.


I must admit a voter can cause change

or else at worse can shine a light to all,

that with a government that always lies

we'd better all unite or else we're doomed.


Widely not a recommended topic

political discussions do go sour,

we all must try and be good examples


Defibrillator (Iambic Pentameter)

Far down the vale slow death has wrought from time
no offers tempt an extra hour of life
no promise makes new offerings of strife
seem real enough to take from what is left
before the water's icy shock makes sear
of power slammed into a pounding chest
by Science seem as pure as fleeing soul.






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