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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Playful Tangles

It's not very often
when you or me
love to get in a tangle
but there sure is one
a lover's delight
who wish it'd be often

In a maddening rush
driven by a crush
to get as close as can be
they wriggle and wiggle
in frolic and fun, and
get into a jigsaw squeeze

The tangle of their limbs
as tight as the weeds
keeps them from a fall
while they rock and roll
on a Queen sized bed
from one side to the far


shrouded this sensitive awakening
like a memory

new approachs glide
like a fresh shirt
empty pocket of meaning

im not left the dream yet

Winters' Magic

Any day, but...not too far into winter
where the cool sun, sits high in the sky;
the briskness of autumn can deliver,
a hearty magic, that can cause some to cry.

And, long about dusk there's a calmness,
that accompanies the powers that be...
so, the night air can hit with a suddenness,
and "twilight" allows beings to roam, free.

To be sure, one can check in the meadow
where the tall grass is coerced by the breeze,
and, the fireflies are all glowing, yellow;
until the faeries are adjourned to the trees.


Looks like tomorrow I'll come
With not more but my life
To show, unlike before when love
Can never be seen gazing
Along horizons of the oceans.

I'll sail across a thousand-mile
Latitude and prove me not wrong,
Setting my sights on tomorrow
Where I can see your distinct smile
Guiding me across the pitfalls of dreams.



Met only yesterday, unsettled the train:
Two-Day-High, hope we’re meeting again…
Dylan and Cohen and Bobby McGee,
Two-Day-High, you sure were like me.

That tomorrow

That Tomorrow

That tomorrow
has once again come
But as a today
As I did once so say
Every tomorrow will come
Only as a today
Try hard as you wish,
Tomorrow can never come
As your dish
You may in time's domain
For ever fish
That’s your wish

Musing on the Death of Poetry


when the clack of keyboards cease
and pages of unbound books
scattered by the indolent breeze
produce a melancholy dirge

think of all the unwritten words
that remain stillborn in the mind
much like the gilded pheasant
out of the snare and into the fire



Margaret Ann Waddicor 22nd January 2011.
Joe and Dennis Go made me think about death too.

Bold death,
you stride through consciousness,
to take our spirits with you,
to a place where peacefulness
and silence reigns supreme;

we dream of you as desperate
and sad,
as heavy handed, brash,
as silky as a ghost at dawn,
when moisture leaves the land
and grasses stand up tall
all decked with dazzling dew;

Close To Me

When I awake from my dreams
on each new day morn
I turn and find you near to me
your body soft and warm.
I take you in my loving arms
and hold you close to me
for I can only face the day
knowing your love for me.

As I go about my days
life’s pressures all around
my thoughts drift back to you
and the love that we have found
I think of when you’re close to me
and all those things you do
till I just want the time to come
when I’m back home with you.


like wings slipping through the rash
of air
the Love burned that nobody cares

the darkness spreading
like a dull cry
all glade awake
beneath torrid straights

this love
the card in tatters

I am
debris trails
I am the fragment

I Love you
as the walls come
and the wind
is slaking
its need
upon the raw
and harried
soul of my advance


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