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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Through Pains and Tears

there are times where i cannot see,
what part of your forever belongs with me
you ask me about my feelings and when i don't care,
you are just sending me a healing stare...

but the truth is i really care for you,
that when i lost you in my life,what will i do?
though sometimes i've been a fool to you....
you're so much to me that i'll never let you go..

If you knew

If you owned my heart,
Would you give me happiness?
If you loved me, let me know the truth
If you just like me, then keep me away
I may fall in love with you

Would you know me, kiss me?
Salute me and carry me to your horizon
Desire me and make me your feminine half
Let me be your queen, your majesty and consort
Imprison, and then release me
Torture me and cure me

Take me to where my world will meet yours
But please
Don’t free me too far from you

Things Children Say!

Basghetti is fun
But I like to eat lompster
And play with arbles.

The Voices of Twilight

Delerious shadows
taunting my dreams,
can't hear myself
over the screams;

unassuming silhouettes
jangle my brain,
as the voices of Twilight
slowly drive me insane.

Constantly echoed
the screams seem all blurred,
'til a collective syllable
starts forming a word;

then fragments start clinging
to the threads of a thought,
like pearls to a strand
with all that they've got!


There are no Vulcans anywhere
no Darth Vaders or androids
cruising around way out there
having fun with humanoids

Think of all the forms on Earth
all the myriad variations
why should another planet birth
semi-sapien imitations ?

Why not four legs, six, or eight ?
why have any legs at all
they might all well have the fate
to swim or fly or even crawl

Perhaps tentacles, not hands
octopi get by just swell
and even on the solid lands
elephant trunks work as well

Leaving the Nest


Little birdies leave their nest

To pass or fail the test

Creating emptiness

In hearts of moms and dads

It’s happiness to see them fly so well

Feeling misty, knowing when they return

They’ll be reformed

No longer a mother’s child

Life is not the same

Now that they’ve matured

Final strings have been trimmed

They never return as before

An empty nest, quiet, filled with memories

Santa's sleigh

sit on my lap like I'm Santa Clause
fat belly, gray beard and all my flaws
whisper your desires in my ear
there's no one else to hear
why I should buy you a gift
stop wiggling, I get the drift
oh! what a naughty girl
gold necklace with a pearl?
it's only money
anything for my honey
a ride in my sleigh
well why didn't you say
I love this old sleigh bed
sure beats the day bed
what, matching ear rings?
a list of a few other things?



You dropped them in their tracks,
Hit them harder than an axe,
Now I realize you did that without tryin'...
It was far, far too late
To save the fallen 48,
But I could stop becomin' "49"!
Oh, I'd hate to be your number "49"...

You Need Him Too!

You sit and hold his hand
And give him peace
He misses you when you’ve gone
You are his lifeline, his anchor and release.

You are his whole being
His love, his need
You comfort and console him
He reaches out to you when his memories bleed.

As he disintegrates
Body broken
You pull him from disaster
And rescue him with words tenderly spoken.

You treat him with honour
He smiles at you
You smile and give him a hug
He does need you to live, but you need him too.

Mooned Earth's Gap.

Margaret Ann Waddicor
16th December 2010.

You bridge the gap
between the now
and never coming soon,
the moon discovers craters
are a trap,
the stars they wink in wonder
as she plunders out from space,
a whole galaxy of lace
to make her dress,

and bless the earth
that spinning ball
out in the hue of stunning blue
with water first,
that slaked her thirst for more,
she's now without
but can expect
a visit
one or two,


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