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Stammering stars

We’re the stars
a soulless sea
Flooded with the
fervent fragments
of what this
Wistful world could
rise up to Be.
but all stars that
boldly beam
bright and new must
always faintly fade
forever out of view .
Bitterly being branded
in their brittle blue
brass backbones
of belittlement .

Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Hello, Edward,
I hope you are feeling better! Following the life of a star, much like ourselves. "...what this wistful world could rise up to be." Always that hope, for certain. Quite beautiful.
Good to see you writing again!

really awesome. Lively visuals all through and the internal music added to its beauty.
Looking forward to reading more of yours.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

I’m still in the hospital I’m only comfortable when completely flat I’m not steady on my feet . They drilled a hole in my skull and they’re monitoring my pressure. Then they’ll will decide what to inspiration was the bob dylan song the times are a changing

Hlm life without literature is a life without logic.

author comment

Wonderful poetic song! Bob Dylan inspires all of do you.
Sending best hopes and wishes for you. Write when possible. :)

I much enjoyed this well written poem! great job!

*hugs, Cat

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