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In my room!

A train in the distance makes a lonely cry
I sit alone in my room and push out a sigh,
when I was young my life had passion
for people and friends, now that just feels old fashioned,
but giv'n a bit of light and a little more time
my heart reconnects with something divine
I can feel that my mind is gradually healing
the fear I've retained is no longer appealing
my hope is renewed, and my heart is believing
in refreshing new vistas, my mind is conceiving!

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Last few words: 
As a senior in high school I spent a lot of time in my room. The title of this poem is what the student council wrote about me. I was seventeen or eighteen and beginning to display serious symptoms of schizoaffective disorder and deep depression. I had all but given up hope, but friends like you in a very kind way. Lifted my spirits, brought me to a point where I could fill a service mission, and was able to raise a family.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


This poem offers a reflective look at the speaker's journey of self-discovery. The imagery of a train in the distance and the speaker's sigh create a sense of nostalgia and longing. The poem then details a shift in perspective, as the speaker finds solace in reconnecting with something divine. The line "my heart is believing/in refreshing new vistas, my mind is conceiving" offers a hopeful conclusion to the poem. Suggested line edit: Replace "old fashioned" with "forgotten".

Overall, this is an emotionally powerful poem that conveys a sense of growth and understanding. The language is vivid and expressive, and the imagery helps to create a strong emotional connection to the speaker's journey. The poem's structure is effective in conveying the speaker's journey from loneliness to hope. The suggested line edit enhances the poem by providing a more powerful and accurate description of the speaker's emotions.

and near-rhyme, preclude this from being free-verse,
but it is very good. It just needs a little bit of adjustment.
I do hope the you haven't called this free-verse, in order to escape the tedium of
making sure that the meter is good. I like the theme and hope that you will consider
doing a little more work on it.

I can give you an example of what I mean:

a train in the distance makes a lonely cry
you sit all alone, heaving big sighs
when you were young, your life, it had passion
for people and friends, now that just seems old fashioned

Having good friends to help you through such a tough time, must have helped immensely.
I am glad that you have managed to have a productive, stable life and raise a family
Good on you and your friends!

This has good potential. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I liked the poem. I sincerely hopeyou have long passed your high school situation.
As to form, I am also learning what forms to use and to determine the best form for poems I try to write.
Keep going!

I liked this change I basically just took out two lines. To be honest I still don't really understand how to
write a free verse poem. Please forgive me but I will have to study the guidelines for writing a free verse poem.

Life is not tragedy although sometimes painful. Experience yields its bittersweet fruit!

author comment

Free verse is not just without rhyme, it also should have a smooth rhythm, and the lines being consistent without jumping around and sharp breaks should be avoided, unless the story calls for it. Look around at the work that others have posted as free verse, and you will see what I mean. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I liked this change I basically just took out two lines. To be honest I still don't really understand how to
write a free verse poem. Please forgive me but I will have to study the guidelines for writing a free verse poem.

Life is not tragedy although sometimes painful. Experience yields its bittersweet fruit!

author comment

I was also one of those teens who spent most of their time cooped up in their room, spiraling downward. I still spend a lot of time in my room, but I've learned to cope better. I like the solitude and quiet sometimes, because I don't get much of either in my career (teacher/tutor).

Now coming home and going to my room tends to be a peaceful and relaxing way to unwind instead of a way to escape reality. Writing helped pull me out of some dark and lonely places.

Thank you for sharing,

Critique, don't comment.

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I can relate to this poem as I was the teenager who spent a lot of time in her room as well. Writing has been an amazing outlet for me even as an adult and gave me a safe place to express my emotions, even when it didn't make much sense. I like how you conveyed the feelings of loneliness and isolation than turned it into something positive with thoughts of new hope. Well done.


for those of you who understand poetry in its form and feeling. My hat goes off to you.
you are all so gifted and your comments and critique are welcomed. Thank you!

Life is not tragedy although sometimes painful. Experience yields its bittersweet fruit!

author comment

I am properly chastised. I did not mean to imply that free verse never has any rhyme, only that it is how many people think of free verse and some do, in fact use the designation of free verse to escape the tedium of trying to make things come together in a piece. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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