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Editing - draft

Reality Of Love

The uniquest hope finally descended,
As reality was so ultimately transcended,
As the realist truth was comprehended,
At the point my world very nearly ended.

For the past is only written in stone,
When we have truly build our home,
And a light is cast upon a future known,
And our realities we truly call our own.

Our destinies my love shall always intertwine,
For our hearts are truly beautifully sublime,
And our intellects uniquely perfectly refined,
With our empathic perfection being so kind.

Shifting gears of life

1st gear,

Strange new place,

Dawn of consciousness is here,

Confusion at seeing the first face,

Potent all in experience,

The fourth anniversary of existence,

Lost the proper sequence,

Somewhere inside is deep resistance,

No landmarks and very lost,

Within the depth of memories,

Frozen in fear and layers of permafrost.

2nd gear,

Getting oriented to this sensation,

Accumulation of fear,

Constantly lost in contemplation,

Understanding what it is to be alive,

The loner

The loner wears no cloak of loneliness
He hears the symphony of soulfulness
The crowd is fun
But maybe it's noise
Too rowdy to breathe
Too choked up to flow
The emotions ,the adrenaline
All too draining
For a profit of nothing
Pained jaws. Dry throats .Buzzing head.
From words shouldn't have said
The risk of Divulging too much
Or the fear of not fitting in
To belong amongst three or four
The noise is a distraction
From all the peace In his head

Once upon a time

Once I found myself
Upon an arched-boned bridge.

A bell rang.

Time ceased,

Incised through granite sundials,


Exactly midnight, paused.

Across the hours, space occurred
Between minutes, seconds vanished,
Shocked. Was I dreaming?

A bell rang.

I stumbled across a courtyard,
Seeking soup,
Sustenance, from the arms of robed men,
Eyeless men, faces covered in cloth.

A bell rang.

Divine Introspection

As the essences of Chi align the Phrana energies emerge,
Then the Aura manifests as the souls Chakras converge,
And as our will gazes introspectively at its true nature,
The spirit connects skywards towards the infinite creator.

Then as Gaia's Lay-Line forces glow from below to above,
They resonate in our higher self the feelings of true love,
And as the high-sun illuminates your spirit in its golden beams,
Your higher power is reconnected to your hopes and your dreams.

Triumphal guilt

I am the master
of triumphal disaster
I go out for coffee
and return

I ask



not just some
passive prettiness


her spittle
down my cheek

her mouth
hollow with fury


clocking up despair

Where Were You Last Night?... Challenge - July

Where were you last night?
The night has been so long
you gave me such a fright
when I heard your mournful song

I heard you calling to the darkness
it answered back again
I worried about a weakness
going back to your old friends

Voices in the moonlight
howling closer still
sounds rustling in the night
eating at your will

Stealthy footsteps in the shadows
the eerie music of their song
where it comes from, no one knows
I know you're aching to belong

Depths of Destruction

You, you evil substance,

You're narcissistic and have no balance,

Unstable on your feet,

Weak on your own,

Yes, I can tell by the tone,

The nuance is small,

But it's as vivid as you before me,

Asking for control of my world,

And I accepted foolishly,

My soul was damaged when you stole my power,

And took off Like a savage beast,

No feelings have you,

The contract you presented was compelling,

Still to this day has me dwelling,

On how many other lives you ruined for pleasure.

Once Upon a Time... Neopoet Challenge.

Once upon a time
I was a strong young lad
I had muscles and my health
Opportunities to be had

There were things I loved to do
I've done a lot of things, I guess
But youthfulness and headstrong ways
Made my life a goddamned mess

I overdid, and underperformed
I was a cat out on the prowl
I fought with bigger dogs
Roared... damn, I had a growl

Sometimes, I was a winner
Just as often, I was losing
I wouldn't slow my ass down
Take my time in choosing

Love of Phantom

His voice
soft, gentle mesmerizing,
pleading with me to rise above,
loneliness filling the urgency.

I awake, "where am I?"
the only light is of
hundreds of luminescent candles
there is music, the music of the night

and he is there my angel of music
inside, a part of what he has made of me
I'm lost within the seductiveness of his voice.

It is not pity I feel
when I gaze upon him
but a deep longing
to learn the mysteries
And yet I feel fear


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