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Editing - draft

The Pursuit of Perfection, a Losing Game

In the realm of brown eyes and flowing hair,
A girl graced the world with beauty rare.
Yet, in her thoughts, a tumultuous sea,
Obsessed with appearance, it seemed to be.

She acknowledged her allure, without a doubt,
But yearned for more, a beauty to tout.
Her mind fixated on perfection's quest,
Determined to surpass, never to rest.

Why did she dwell on such futile thoughts?
Loneliness whispered, tying her in knots.
Dreams of flawlessness became her shield,
A refuge from rejections, yet unconcealed.

Dimensions of a Woman

The Oracle dwells within
The speaker of truth
a cleanser of sins
The Witch
lies and decieves
The jester
just wants to please
The fairy
dances everywhere
While Rupunzal
let's down her hair.

Tribute to Mother...

I wish that I had written letters to my mother
like my sister did
I wish that at least one of the dreams I had
came true... for her

I watched my crazy dreams crash and burn
you know,
where I was rich and famous
could buy her stuff...

I'm sure that my mother knew how much I loved her
but I know
I left scars on her heart, and even though she said
they had healed, I saw them

Back When There Was Hope

I used to believe in fate
Back when it was only designed for me and you
Every star, every sign
Proof from the universe’s messengers that we were soulmates

The way we so effortlessly clicked
Like a puzzle with only two pieces
But still valued our differences
Like two people making empty promises

After so many years of waiting
I knew it was right this time
An overpowering energy resided within us
Temporarily veiling the problems we faced before

A Letter to Dear John... May Challenge

And the letter started off, Dear John
I've been thinking about you too
see, I've discovered I can make it
without having to deal with you

No more explaining where I went
I don't need to lie again
Make excuses or hide away
hold my heart together in pain

When you come home this time
I certainly won't be here
I'm through with living a lie
and I don't want to live in fear

Will and Testament

I gave you money and song
I gave you poetry and rhyme
But I found it so difficult
to give you my time

I gave you flowers of pink
I gave you chocolate and wine
But I found it so challenging
To give you my time

I gave you a house and some kids
And a new sheepskin rug
But I found it challenging to
Give you that ‘love drug’

I gave you a garden of roses like
in your favourite song lines
I gave you your very own car
But I never gave you my time

Dear, Stranger, Poet,

There was a decade stretch
where I didn’t write poetry.

I always craved the feeling of writing
like the very air that I breathe...
But I was betrayed by someone
who I thought loved me
They used my writing against me
and I vowed to never write again.

But then a man came along.
A stranger.
He wrote a book,
A 10-year collection of poetry.
I read it from cover to cover
and it struck a nerve in me.

That writing itch
that hadn’t been scratched in too long.

The Sleep

I fade slowly into the ether
Just another fighting soul
Im I old or just irrellevent?
A has-been without a goal?

As i slide into oblivion
What do I need to say?
I wish for health and happiness
I wish my loved ones to be ok

Now that sleep is gripping my brain
Is this the final one for me?
Or will I wake again tomorrow in pain?
I guess what will be will be

Finally Free

I'm lost in this abyss, with no light to see,
My heart racing with fear, wondering where I'll be.

The darkness surrounds me, like a suffocating cloak,
With no way to escape, it feels like a cruel joke.

But then I see a glimmer, a faint ray of hope,
And I chase after it, like a desperate soul.

The light grows stronger, as I near the end,
And I burst forth, like a phoenix, from the darkness that had no end.

I'm free from the room, no longer alone,
The walls that once closed in, now a distant memory and gone.

I Love You Too

“I just feel so alone” I said to you as I cried.
“You’re not alone, and you never will be” you replied.

You stayed on the phone with me that night
until I had no more tears to cry,
until you saw me smile again,
until I fell asleep.
And when I woke up,
you were still there.

You called me that night
and the next
and every night thereafter.
You made sure I was never alone again.

To this day, you still call me,
Just because.

You never say it,
but I know it’s because you love me.


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