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Editing - draft

Alien Nation???

As all peoples fight each other in their alienation,
And a primed invasion lies awaiting authorisation,
As hostile warriors undergo deathly indoctrination,
To then invade and crush every planet and nation.

An interstellar empire of wrath, destruction and void,
All tactics and means to execute their plan they employ,
And with a brutal heart of conquest and a will to destroy,
Their success will render our civilizations as their toys.

Hidden Heart...

It's been so long since I've seen it
I almost didn't recognize
the visage of your hidden heart
lying there amongst the lies

I spied upon your emotions
I saw them through the boma
Through the castle keep, I did creep
as you dealt with the drama

Unaware of my spying eye
as you let your guard go down
Soon I fled, filled with dread
lest you fix me with a frown

For it is a forbidden place
no trespass is allowed
I lose myself in the shadows
back amongst the crowd


i cry my Eyes out, As if it would help. It won't, its Water trickling down your face, Evacuating My eyes

I will not give in

I know that success is not certain,
But I smile, as I brush my long hair,
And I still stand up in the morning,
But I feel both rage and despair,

But I will get up in the morning,
And I know that success is not certain,
But I will not give in, and they will not win,
For the sake of our forests and oceans,

But I am sad and tired and broken,
And I know that success is not certain,
But I will stand up in the morning,
And I sense both defeat and despair.

Hot Summer Nights

Stars shine above…
Their reflections in the waves.

The rush of a warm breeze
flows across my skin.

Sandy feet and salt water hair
bask in the moonlight

What I wouldn’t give
for these tropical summer nights
to last a lifetime.

You Looked At Me

You looked at me
Your eyes not seeing
That which is
On the outside,
But cutting through,
To my inner core
And seeing the
True and real me
Your whisper,
Was not meant
To just my ear,
But traveled
And found its way,
Into my heart
Melting the ice
I built up there.
Your touch,
Though upon my skin
Sent sparks
Through out my body,
And forever etched,
Upon my brain
The sweetness that you
Gave unto me.
Your gentle kiss,
Though upon my lips,

The Passing

Ever since I can remember,
My dad was a hero to me.
Hard working for his family to provide,
But a gentle man as well.
Never a harsh word,
Did I hear from him.
We did not always see eye to eye,
At times he was the object of my disdain.
But when I came back home,
From the Navy you see,
Something had happened,
Between him and me.
No longer just a father was he,
But a companion and a friend.
Most of his life,
Health issues would be his plague.
Lupus, that insidious disease,

Hot Summer Nights...

Went to Woodstock baby
hot summer nights out there
It rained and we made mud-pies
[we got muddy everywhere]

Fast cars and faster women
coming down the pike
I had a few of both
and a Honda motorbike

On hot summer nights I partied
some I went too far
I passed out a lot beneath
velvet skies all shot with stars

The sweet smell of Maryjane
floated on the air
Her scent intoxicating
took away your cares


A smile snaked across his lips
his beady eyes delivered stares
He swivelled thrusting hips
and smoothed his greasy hair

His dance was calculated
to excite her little mind
To draw her in, close enough
not a thing to hide behind

A mask of good intentions
"Surely you will see...
just thought that I would mention
your best choice, would be me"

He's smooth of tongue and reason
it's always worked before
She should fall for him, why not ?
He's everything and more

A strange story

Was new,
Had not existed,
Never been spoken,

So, say
For the first time,
Weed of the sea,

Smell the word,
Flavour it,
Or foul decay,

Savour the words -

The threads
Of Mermaid-String,
Knot them Into your brain,


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