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Editing - draft

Breathing Wildfires

the velvet knife
of your tongue
cut my skin

into a thousand
streamers of want
I feathered against
the unknown

a breath in the grasp
of insanity

I pooled
as ribbons on
the ground,
I was tossed to roll
aimless to reality

fire licked breasts
as thighs brushed static
into the palms of your
hands …

at first touch
is the flashback,

I burn up, a white flame

Bleeding constellations

Nothing, not even an ocean,
can douse the weeping fire.
as thorns spear the night
blood stains a constellation

Clouds of stars swathe
reflecting only in my eyes,
goodnight mortals, sleep,
as Amun-Ra rides the light

The thousand billion orbs
contour around horizons,
I, in my robe gasp in awe
that I may bear witness

There is no sound in heaven
but that of my sighing lips,
there is no dawn on earth
but of mans own creation

In My Element

The river flows with such an intensity
that the very earth is torn away with its current.

The hurricane blows,
Ripping apart everything in its path.

The ocean crashes,
Digging caves and capsizing entire ships.

Destructive by nature
Stronger than any living being,

The very same element that flows through me,
and sustains life itself,

is gentle enough to fall from the sky
and wash away my tears.

Caught in the Act

You used to sing sometimes
    in your man-cave under the house
        when we were playing outside:
It’s only words and humming
       and words are all I have -
            a song not meant for six-year-olds;
You had more than words,
       even back then I could sense,
            I knew somehow there was more:
The look in your eyes and 
    delight clear in the wrinkles

Straight ahead

A straight dirt path. No
knows what comes after
sign that reads DO NOT

Not even me or
or anyone soon,
am I supposed to

I go straight now, don't
But I don't know
or how, I even

Do I walk the path
might lead to death, or
my own path through the

Do I sit myself
and rest the night or
up and run towards


a lion must roar
to remember he can
so necessary his anger
to the ends of man
like poetry in league with its pain
i hear god in the walls with the termites
i see grief who forgot why she came
i feel you in moments and forgive myself
when i remember you're not here
so as i sit folding the papers
that one day they'll burn
i plant the parts of you
that moved me most
in the minds of many and
make the smiles of strangers
remind me of you

A muniment of grief

My lips touched the chalice of grief,
wavelets, then oceans swallowed me
drowning in sorrow, bloated with tears,
I float in the memories of your loss

My hands held you at the last
my left on your chest trembled
the right on your brow stilled,
a breath was a mercy of silence

As my hand slipped off yesterday
grasping at nought but air,
confused and bewildered
I reach into the void of tomorrow

Acknowledge Me...

She's waiting in the wings
for a place in the spotlight
the work she's done for it
all culminates tonight

She's ranged far, so far
in search of tales to tell
brought them to the Master
who weaves them into spells

Spells to enchant the reader
suspend belief and more
Looking for the tales
behind forbidden doors

She trembles, nervous, prickles
Now here he comes, his majesty.
He's through the list of thank You's.
Bb but, he's forgotten all about ME!


All the countless stars
Flashed into their existence
Born of our climax

Ekaterina The Bold by: eddy styx

laying restlessly on her cot
moaning, twisting and turning,
responding to an unseen threat
bathed in sweat, her body burning.

touching her shoulder
to wake her seemed prudent.
while crooning reassurance
from master to student.

while I bandaged her wounds I pondered
placing a cool cloth on her head,
it was the purest of luck, finding her
she had been injured and left for dead.


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