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Editing - draft

Cry me a river

Cry me a river,
and a lake,
I've been waiting for you,
to feel my mistake,
the blood is deep red,
from fresh cuts it bled,
the skin that is open stings,
as I sit waiting for your ring.
Cry me a river,
and a flood,
fill it with you heart, soul and blood,
feel my heart break into two,
watch it seep away from your personal view,
feel the smoke leak from my lips,
the flame that blew out when you suddenly quit.
Cry me a river,
and a pool,
fill it with the heartache that you pulled,

They Called Her Satan part #2 by: eddy styx update

green-eyed woman, hair of ginger
looking too good to be true
one glance and she knows me
yes she does, through and through

a suggestive wink of an eye
then a twitch of her hip
sliding into character
a mischievous pout of lip.

unobtrusivly watching
this woman's trained vamp
everything about her whispers
I'm no ordinary tramp

looking hard I see through her
how can this bit of famine fluff
make a grown man start to weep
and my heartbeat run rough?

Face Down in the Stream...

I was stumbling to my destination
trying to find a way
In a fog and in desperation
hadn't written a thing in days

I was drunk with anticipation
teetered on the lip
Had some trouble with creation
then I had to go and slip

I was face down in the stream
trying hard to breathe
I thought sure it was a dream
when I saw the funeral wreath

The current tried to grab my soul
make excuses to my muse
said there were many stories
that we could surely use

They Called Her Satan by: (eddy styx)

I watched her from safety,
a fair pace away.
Her satiny speech drew
my surprised attention.
It was not just her voice,
but the way she used it.
It was hypnotic, in a way
I cannot describe...
I was completely enthralled,
I am not easily taken in
by beauty's allure, but,
her green eyes meeting mine
were soft, large and seductive.
Resting my back to the wall
I steadied myself, finding composure
remembering why I was there.
Her reputation for cruelty
in breaking hearts and trust


There's a moment in everyone's life
When the fire in their heart takes over
Heart racing, adrenaline on overload
As the toughest battle draws closer

You brace yourself and get prepared
You won't quit until you complete the mission
You grit your teeth, give it your all
It's high time you knock out the competition


Wrap me in your gravity
This interstellar travel
Sailing on the galaxies
As time itself unravels
Your heat is burning like a star
Your touch provides the light
Careening through my atmosphere
This meteoric night
Be my sunrise and my moon
My lazy grateful dawn
Yet every night your silver shines
Back into you I’m drawn


My high school friend,
the only one I’m still in touch with,
has been drifting from town to town
in states with very few people,
but overfilled with stark beauty

He’s been doing this for many years
in his shelter with wheels
He was just outside of Belle Fourche,
or maybe it was Medicine Bow,
when I last heard from him

I’ve never asked him
what he could possibly be looking for
out there on the backroads of the West

Communion of Flesh

Lust seductively rests
solemnly on my tongue,
communion of the flesh
begins under a finger

beads of sweat break
free of bodies of heat,
running effortlessly
on glistening breasts

a curling between toes
grips counted linen,
rasping against cheeks
ruddy from exertion

Saliva shimmers lips
parted and panting,
and drying tongues
search rivers of relief

an ecstasy of knowing
screams its release,
begging for anchor
yet arching to flight

Late Night... by: eddy styx

Down the time tunnels
I often walk feeling the chains.
In the dead of a winter's night
when the cold wind moans my name.

Like a knife's frigid touch
trying to tear me apart
through layers of clothing
it seeks out my beating heart...

In this wicked reality
I walk the dank streets alone
crunching leaves beneath my feet
reminding me of drying bone.

I fear I go to meet my death
no guns or blades allowed,
just bare fists, muscle and sinew
only we two, no clamoring crowd.

Neopoet Challenge: In My Element

Cusp born Aquarian/Pisces Air and Water
a crazy mix, but a Gemini married me.
Air for Air we mesh, but Pisces goes alone
into my moody reverie in loving poetry.

Gemini, the thinker and the child,
when at rest his nose is in a book.
when he toils, his mind is put to task
at cosmic problems he will always take a look.

he affords me my space to create
with my moon in Cancer, the adolescent I feel
Aquarius, Idealism, I know, Pisces, I believe,
when I consider it all, it's not a bad deal.


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