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Editing - draft


Like a delicate flower
I endured through
Many battles of stormy weather
Day and night
rain and shine
And that I stay strong
Like a delicate flower
Through many hardships
Of thirst quest and bitterness cold
Like a delicate flower, I have never
resign my beauty title
I still stand tall
to carry on my petals with
grace and poise
Like a delicate flower, I have passed through
many capricious seasons to come
with the various change in life


Today is just another step
Along the walk of life
Obstacles upon the road
Will no doubt cause you strife

Nothing’s insurmountable
You’ll always find a way
Unless you stop moving your feet
You can’t be led astray

Onward to the milestones
Inward through your mind
External forces slow you down
So inner strength you find

First you take a tiny step
Next you make it two
Keep stringing them together now
That’s all you need to do

Challenge my free style

Dream big and work hard
Be positive every single day
Your attitude makes a difference
In whether life goes your way

Push yourself beyond the limit
Until you can reach the sky
Sometimes, when you have big plans
You have to just do it or die

The Fates

Devine feminine Triune
Triple goddess of the moon
Waxing, waning through her phases
Cycling through all life’s stages

The Graces, Seasons and the Fates
All things living, small or great
Swayed by Maiden, Mother, Crone
Before this thread of life is gone

Maiden spins life in her yarn
Crescent moon will wax and grow
New life and rebirth are she
Until she fully glows

The Mother is both yours and mine
Dominion is both life and love
Measuring the lengths of twine
She’s full now up above

A Ripping Good Tale

It was a visit from our mom that brought about one of those defining moments of my very young life. My older sister, Coral, and I were living with Grandma Anderson and our mysterious step-grandpa. He was an Engineer on the Milwaukee Road Line, out of Minneapolis. He worked nights and slept days so our playtime had to be very quiet.

Grandma Anderson was a housewife, excelling at the role, except, for the most part, she was a terrible cook. She had a blackberry cobbler that was fabulous, but it was her only saving grace and redeeming quality!

Nothing You Can Do...

Mist of the night come hold me
foggy mudflat blues
Playing in the dark, my baby
makes me think of you

Eyes half-closed and body swayin'
notes slidin' on the strings
tinklin' keys of piano
makes me think of things

Awww, you know I'm crazy
out of my mind 'bout you
Look into my eyes, baby
Know there's nuthin' you can do

Shhhhip, shiip, tatt-a-tat
Twisted woman of mine
get yerself down and boogie
have another glass of wine

Portrait Of RoseBlack (by: eddy styx)

Her eyes, mouth and stance
smolder, smiling suggestion
one slow minute holds a glance.
Adds many a wondering question,
what causes her eyes to be so bright
so full of hard won knowledge?
In their depth you could lose
your sanity for the raw pain held
in her wilderlands. Yet there
is a deeper homespun wisdom
at her core as she glows with
a base of swirling loves regret.
Pretty face belies the fighter,
who was born of hard knocks
and betrayal. Her inner strength has
changed her into the warrior

Wind Chimes of Winter

Branches bare shift in the wind
Tickle each other in icy caress
Clothe themselves in crystal dreams
January’s opera dress

Music of their clang and chime
Broadcast loud and clear to all
Conducted by four wailing gales
These wind chimes of the winter call

The Knig of Kalloo

I niggled the nog of a Niggley-Noo
Who didn’t know quite what to do
So he niggled his nog and said “Who are you?”
I replied, “I’m the King of Kalloo.”

I pummelled the pouch of a Punchy-Palloo,
An action for me that was new
He spluttered the words, “Can it really be true?”
“Are you really the King of Kalloo?”

I wiggled the wag of a Wiggleye-Woo
To my joy, he did wiggle it too
As he giggled the words “Can it really be you?”
“My old friend the King of Kallo?”


when does
surviving become living?
writhing, shaking
the tears are hot and unwanted
what do they think of me?
dissecting my very being,
looking for whats wrong
and I
look into the mirror of my vanity
The girl I see, is wailing a horrible song
she's prettier than you, she proudly proclaims
for even she is sure of her own name
I shatter the glass, it scattering everywhere
blood dripping into my hair
and she's still THERE.
multiplied on each shard


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