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Cry me a river

Cry me a river,
and a lake,
I've been waiting for you,
to feel my mistake,
the blood is deep red,
from fresh cuts it bled,
the skin that is open stings,
as I sit waiting for your ring.
Cry me a river,
and a flood,
fill it with you heart, soul and blood,
feel my heart break into two,
watch it seep away from your personal view,
feel the smoke leak from my lips,
the flame that blew out when you suddenly quit.
Cry me a river,
and a pool,
fill it with the heartache that you pulled,
choke on your words,
purge all your fuel,
let your throat burn consistently,
your eyes water blue,
don't kiss me again,
with your emotionless drool.
Cry me a river,
and a deep blue sea,
I hope you never have the same intimacy,
the hugs, kisses, car rides and sex,
things you knew I would struggle to forget.
Cry me a river,
and a puddle,
I gave you my heart,
but you didn't care,
you only wanted me,
when I gave you head,
you promised that you wouldn't hurt me,
but knowingly you did,
so cry me a river,
and a single tear,
you told me we were a secret,
so that I wouldn't share,
you treated me falsely,
you lied to my face,
and made me worry for my fate,
I cried you a river,
so many cold tears,
but you never knew,
the love that I spared.
Cry me a river,
and a waterfall,
you saw me so bare,
my olive skin in the dim light,
all my flaws in open air,
you took advantage of me,
dismantled my security,
you took me apart,
dissected every inch of my heart,
you left me there alone,
hair, skin, body of bones,
a breathless figure,
with a cage broken in half,
a faceless soul,
aching for your touch.
Cry me a river,
as long as it can be,
don't take me there again,
or act similarly,
I forgave you with kindness,
a thing I shouldn't have done,
a romance between co-workers,
a secret I can't share,
they don't know the experience we had,
they don't know the pain I ached,
I cried you a river,
but then I couldn't feel,
so I ignore you at work,
tell myself I'm keeping my end of the deal.
Cry me a river,
I'm pleading with you,
I hope you felt something we had,
or the heartache you put me through,
I hope that when I don't reply,
you stand in the bar and ask yourself why,
I hope that you miss me coming by,
giving you a hug a day or night,
I hope you miss us flirting,
happy and in our own thing,
I hope you see me and think,
that you missed out on us,
as you took one blink,
and I was just another girl you messed with,
jus another girl you fucked,
another girl you didn't care about,
another girl you took advantage of.
Cry me a river,
show me your soul,
I thought you had feelings,
but it was just an empty bowl,
I fell so far for you,
believed your every word,
look at me now,
screwed over in the head,
smoke from my lips,
smoke in my skull,
fresh cuts bleed,
and they bled,
empty stomach aching,
rib cage there,
emotions lacking,
from the river you fled.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Explicit Content
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