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A Blue Bonneted Bandicoot

A blue bonneted bandicoot with a sea calf,
In Maypole Month,
Dance amongst major malapropisms,
And skip along in blank verse.
Their ventures among word confections would present
An object lesson in despair for befuddled students of the Classics.

A blue bonneted bandicoot with a sea calf,
In the Month of the Summer Solstice,
Seeking solace from spoonerisms and football mania,
Invade a dowdy studio attic,
And watch a Hebrew scholar paint calligraphy on a Cloisonne
Clock. By such cartoons he elaborates Vallhalla –
A Last Supper for his spectacle.

A blue bonneted bandicoot with a sea calf,
In Halloween Month,
Stroll Parisian Boulevardes,
Ignoring femme fatale (and others) seeking rarities,
They hunt for baubles, bangles and preciosa,
Heedless of a Jewish savant in a modest haunt
Never spawning spoils for Dunderheads and Cockolorums.

A blue bonneted bandicoot and a sea cow,
In the Merry Month of MiXmas,
Looked at each other and knew
The world had changed. The sea cow said:
“I am the Walrus!” and wobbled off to a nearby beach
Blanching not a whit at this obvious plagiarism.

A blue bonneted bandicoot,
Abandoned and bereft,
Thought of their adventures
Through the Seasons of the Year.
The bandicoot called to the Sea Cow,
“Come back, come back, “
As the sea cow vanished into a blurring horizon,

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
This is a much revised version of an earlier poem I posted with this title. I received some helpful criticism which I took on board. I wonder how readers might fell about this poem now.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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this is a deep piece that signifies the ending of a relationship. It doesn't matter what the relationship was all about, just that one has lost interest and moves on. I think that as a story for the reader, it is just another poem; for the author, it is much deeper and more meaningful. A nice little piece to mark the end of an era. ~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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