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Caffeine Scene


Today I found myself out of kilter
I needed my morning cup of Joe
Woke up but had no coffee filter
Just the instant stuff, yeah I know

Some kitchen roll just might do
Folded so it forms a paper cone
Maybe good enough for a brew
It’s just for me so I won’t moan

I find the tub is nearly empty now
Maybe last time I was half asleep
I can manage this, as I know how
The learning curve ain’t that steep

I do have another packet I’m sure
But when opened, just the beans
Where’s that grinder I had before
So angry when an issue intervenes

With adequate grinding done
And water added to the machine
Will this battle now be lost or won
Now an electrical fault unseen

By now I’d had quite enough
Boiled some water in the kettle
Poured it through the coffee stuff
Give it time, grounds will settle

After taking me right to the brink
I really needed my caffeine hit
Poured a mug and took a drink
A mouth of grounds made me spit

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


This is a daily routine I'd say that I can really relate. I wake up as soon as I smell my cooffee, the caffeine leaves me into another level.
I especially like the internal rhymes in the title. It really is works for me.
Thank you for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Hello, Twizzle,
Oh, the agony! Creative poem, witty and fun. Nice logical rhyming, a fun journey all the way through, and a clever last line. Better luck next time!
Thank you!

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