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Who can forget
The wonderment?
A ladybug
Tiptoed up your stubby
Little index finger,
Stopped at the top,
Turned its tiny
Alligator face towards you
With its spongy eyes;
Then, like a marvelous toy,
It opened its red backpack
And pearlescent wings unfolded,
Moist with rainbow.
You heard a fast flap,
And it flew into the sun.


For elephants to copulate is quite an event;
A little to the right, a little to the left...
The ladybugs do it for two hours,
With no complications at all!
After considering size,
Which would you rather be?


“Buy 1,500 ladybugs for $9.99,
Freight included. Best In the fall.
When they arrive, all jet lagged,
You must put them in the refrigerator
In a jar while they hibernate.
Then in June wait for a full moon,
On a humid and still night
And bring them to your garden.
They will be as helots
In a land of milk and honey-
And will stay for 2000 years.”


Scientists study the origami
Of the ladybugs wings;
Like cellophane sails
Tucked in so ingeniously;
They vibrate a hundred times
Each second, and go 40 MPH,
Non-stop, NY to Boston.

Forget the saucers or cylinders!
It will be ladybug ships
That soar at the speed of light
In the solar winds to galaxies
By carpometacarpals
Springing from bright red hatches,
Adorned with polka dots.


We prayed to the Queen of Heaven
To save our crops.
She sent a cloud of red pebbles
With angel wings;
Soon they devoured
The tiny mites killing our field.
We named them for our Lady.


Ladybug Ladybug O tell me your dreams-
Lost in the city’s electric savagery
Where your red shelled body gleams
From the garden of life’s possibilities;

Ladybug Ladybug O tell me your dreams-
Or have you wandered from the cemetery
To these streets of grease and gasoline
To remind me of some final scream?

Ladybug Ladybug O tell me your dreams-
Do you have a soul for which to plea
For your redemption to be free
Of the burden you have brought to me?


Ladybugs smite mites in daily massacres,
War machines with poison blood,
Thick armor and claws which bite;
Merciless, brutal beetles,
Devouring all the aphids in their way;
Their attack is even more cruel than men;
They can fly.


I was twelve, I was in love.
She had pigtails and braces.
We met in the schoolyard.
I gave her a ladybug.
She crushed it.
I have been looking for love
Ever since.

Last few words: 
Light verse. Good for the spirit. Several days ago I saw a science news article about Japanese scientists working on computer models of ladybugs with the idea of using the complex system of their wings in space travel. Had some fun doing ladybug research, thinking about them, and writing this.
Editing stage: 


last line touching
I love the lightnin bugs.. our little garden
here...the urban forests
out there...

new muse to help with
more poetry..
Like the form of this
and the ladybugs

Mr Wolf!

my poetic lesson on ladybirds (as we call them in UK)
You captured the innocence of childish delight in them so well in the first stanza and moved on from that brilliantly in the last.
I've learnt somethings too.
Tantric sex eh, who'd have thought it.

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.


I love this Eumopolus!
I love how you've taken a really interesting documentary and turned it into this multi layer packed micro dimesion
Some of it made me laugh out loud. 1500 for $9.99!
Who would ever intentionally crush a ladybug? They were the only bugs I ever saved from our pool. Lifting them up gently, laying them out so they could dry, then fly.
(But now I feel for the other tiny creatures that weren't pretty enough to get on my scoop).
This is one I'll reread over and over. Thanks!

Whoops sorry I mispelt your name Eumolpus!

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