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du wirst immer in meinem herzen sein


I am wound
My armature is sprung

you leave the shadow between
light and hate
it has come
It has swung

autumn journey of the waiting
these vault sleepers
these Love seekers

tear touched
and lip pressed
with trembling souls


they are landing
like concussion mists

Editing stage: 


love the title esker

it helps in the transtlation of the write too :)

nothing to say - i enjoy this in silence
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Dusk arrives here and Autumn days
in full foliage gloom... the mystery at
the edge of the run
where the hill begins

Summer winding down
preperations for harvest
back to school
workload before winter arrives

letting go of ghosts
and saying goodbye

the fall deaths
the wind sweeping storms
and clarity cold days
pulling emotions free

letting go

freed before winters damp arrival
halloweens lengthy stay and
christmases heavy pagan festivity

Love the seasons shift
Judy in my city
where I can walk free of summer crowds
and listen to the waves arriving
stare into the bold of the sunset
past the rail down the trail
the tree cove route to the small wharf reaching
out where I like to go to be alone
and lean against the breakwall

all the past rises
like mists there
the mirage summer islands

Love is a strange night
a strange song

like bird trapped
it yearns to be free

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