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The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon, is not your companion
It’s division and within it, there’s no compassion
It’s a difference of views, between us all, not the few
It’s a massive divide, that is deep and its wide
It travels for miles; people stare, and meanwhile
They fail to act but while I’m alive I’ll
Help those I can, cos I do give a damn
If you stand on the edge to admire the view
With no intention to help, then you
Will fall down its side, in this canyon that’s wide
Inaction means you’re empty inside

Last few words: 
It's all about just watching bad things happen and not doing anything about it. And not only helping those who are different, but resulting in shooting yourself in the foot. Karma basically. Thinking like witnessing racism and just standing there doing nothing. Then the victim comes back and when you are need, they won't help you cos you didn't help them.
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Not Explicit Content
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