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Grown Up

When watching tv is exhausting,
But I can’t get out of bed

I miss home,
But I can’t cry

I’m settling down,
But feeling guilty

I miss her,
But I can’t tell her that

I wish I could cry for myself,
But all I do is cry for make believe lives

I could really use a hug,
But my dads not down the hall anymore

I think I’m making friends,
But I’m not really sure

I love it here,
The place I’ve always dreamed of

I’m now a grown up,
Not supposed to cry about these things

I have to wake up tomorrow,
And do it all over again.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
any thoughts and opinions are welcome
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


This is very introspective, yet I feel as if I'm sitting in the same room, listening to you. There is both exhaustion and liveliness - a raw look at reality, but a hopeful sense of rationale, too. I really like the two-line stanzas. Your poem seems to say exactly what you are feeling in a simple but strong way. Good title, and I'm hoping you know that grown-ups DO cry about these things.
Thank you for your poetry!

Constant longing of our days
Tears of wonton hope
We cry this time not for sadness
Having little else to cope

I feel this often too
I’m swept under the rug
One thing always brings me back
A warm embrace of loving hug

Please accept this poetic “hug”
You are loved
You are not alone
We got ya


It seems you're a tv enthusiast. When you're addicted to a particular show or an episode it becomes a challenge. And it would definitely affect your daily life. Not all women have the mind to endure till the end. After all, they deserve more attention than any other thing.

I'm news obsessed too. I watch tv news as if I intend to be come a broadcaster. Lol!
But such habit could affect our romantic life when all our attention is directed to a particular thing.

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


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