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How are You?

Come, grab a chair
Sit next to me
How are you?

Share the secrets
You whisper to silence
Open the vault
Of your soul

You are not a coward
Rather, a gladiator
That takes on
Whatever life
Throws at you

You walk into hurricanes
For those you love,
I dare ask what
Would you do for you

Do you eat the insults
As you digest the rejection
Without a complaint

I beg you to
Stop attacking
The man you are

For the world
Can try it’s best
Though it will
Never replace you

Your compassion
Brings the evil of this world
To tears of regret

I’m talking to you Paul
Will you do me the favor
Smile, not for you
Rather for the darkness
That reigns to see
Despite it’s strength
It can never steal
Your empathy

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "How are You?" effectively uses direct address to create an intimate conversation between the speaker and the subject, Paul. The use of rhetorical questions and imperative sentences adds to the conversational tone and engages the reader.

The poem could benefit from a more consistent use of imagery. The metaphor of the gladiator is powerful, but it is not fully developed or connected to the other images in the poem. The hurricane and darkness are introduced later without clear connections to the gladiator metaphor or to each other. Developing these images more fully and integrating them more cohesively could strengthen the overall impact of the poem.

The poem also seems to shift its focus in the final stanza, moving from a focus on Paul's struggles to a focus on his compassion. While this shift is not inherently problematic, it could be made more effective with a clearer transition or a more explicit connection between these two aspects of Paul's character.

The poem's line breaks and stanza breaks could also be used more effectively to control the pace of the poem and to emphasize key ideas. For example, the line "You are not a coward" could be its own stanza to highlight this affirmation of Paul's courage.

Finally, the poem's punctuation is inconsistent. While this may be a stylistic choice, it could also create confusion for the reader. Consistent punctuation could help to clarify the poem's syntax and improve its readability.

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for having the courage to keep fighting. You have made this site a pinnacle of poetic largesse, giving to the poets here, a place to make known the hopes and wishes of a large community. Thank you, ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Your support and friendship are truly appreciated

author comment

Hello, Paul,
Our conversations with ourselves, about ourselves can be so powerful and revealing. Many, many positive affirmations here that all of us can relate to. What stands out to me is just the simple two-word command, "Stop attacking..." At some point, we all need to have this talk with ourselves. Very inspiring!
Thank you!

fr stopping by.

author comment

This piece has a great understanding of what poets stand for, and go for, how do they feel and how much they are involved in what is surrounding them.
A very endearing and relatable piece.
You said much in few lines.
One of the best from your quill friend.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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