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I could have been

A General of poetry,
but wasn't tall enough
as the Eucalyptus the Cyprus
nor the loaded Oak
but was like
a Weeping Willow

I could have been the lone Idol
standing upon the hill
like the Statue of Liberty
but was just a small bush
like the melee
any human could push

I could have been that poetic star
of Neo
tall as tall could be
but was like a
last spark of coal
just extinguished
so how could one be

I could have been the flickering candle
in a chapel
but for the AC
no breeze
so they decided me to freeze
and once melted
another one would replace me

I wanted to be
that soaring eagle flying sky high
but they clipped my wings
as they do a parrot's
so they caged me

I would have been
the speedy wind
travelling far and wide
at jet speed
but they dried me
of all my rosy fragrance
thus how could one spread it
like a wind

So many things one could have been
but for want of more friends
like thee
so it is still small me

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Nice! I like the stunning imagery, the comparisons. The rhymes sprinkled throughout work very well.

rgds grewa8

author comment

absolutely awesome Lovedly.
You're young in heart, but never small in value!
V. nicely executed.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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