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John fitz. kennedy surplice

the seas of the shore overbrim the waters redundancy
and re-shadows the valley from the deep seer
"endungeoned" when beauties name is recompensed comprise
you don't have to ask that clergy man "what is heaven" ,"or where", i need some harp to play some strings of slug
to create a narrow column of text, for a renewal mooning:
a ruler appears on the top of a page,
he though banishes the ruler in a triangular marker
the maker,this indicates measurements, of the ruler
to create a projects directory, an application opens
to make a window you fill your whole screen,
close all, but one of this windows, inside its window
there will be one or more windows; hitherto also
i have seen, one evil thing, under the sun,
kings slain for their positions to be overtaken,
and his three year dug farce for grass;
lo,hear the strings,coming over him,in a stream of onion blue

lake now;if i say the word exorcism, i mean car-wash
and to scrape the debris of corporeal inflicted
after seasons of a certain amount of time
referent moving shapes that you cannot alter
not at the holy communion, with its flesh and blood
this car was stained driven a long way
or personalized setting for a delayed time,
now it never knows if still be the cleaner
what she wears is satin, not certain
to her aphrodisiac or sorts of schizophrenia
do we need printers of time installed? wired,
and connected to fogs wiry Neptune;
if the printer being used is a human "sampled urine"
that means it didn't show using the letterhead
or creating a water head ,for the cavalcade of dead princes

a dying man has to acknowledge ,that you have enough space
in the graveyard, they are running with Achilles foot
or athletes foot extend to show a Paulette of colours
to do this chink on an empty goose swan
in costumed colours of multicolor square,
these imbue this colour go even the golden goose,
swans should shrank you can still change the appearance of display,
your personal colour scheme will automatically,
appear on the screen, they were so in poinsettia temerity
brightness display your thing,and accustomed weather- night change, and sample the kings of infatuation :
the patterns which you choose to decorate, like Apollo
are connected to your wiry Neptune's
the skies! the skies are most podium fancy flagrant
and have eyes sits in the place of teeth.

your desktop are made up of small patterns
repeated, hundred of times to feel your screen
empty boxes, the larger one is engraving
with lots of invisible squares , using this bureaucracy:
create new patterns and shapes, by adding dry bones,
to black-boxes , as you change the pattern,you can see
effect it will have on desktop,on the box called "sample"
no photocopier was available to reprint themselves,
but if you leave the same image displayed on your screen,
for a long time... it becomes quack of footstools,
imprinted on the screen glass ,which replaces the image
with a move less picture,stowed, and the anchors hold in the storms of life but still;
the boulder slumbereth in the rocks providence

Editing stage: 


Really, I'm sorry, but it needs a complete re-write if you are at all interested in other people reading it.

When you do, think about how each line connects to the next line and adds to the meaning you are trying to convey.

Read the entirety of "The Song of Hiawatha" a masterpiece in trochaic tetrameter by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Trochaic tetrameter or any other metric form will add considerably to readability.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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