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Just Move On To The Next House

I wouldn’t walk to the old mill house
To get treats at Halloween;
For that’s the place where loud screams are heard,
And where ghosts are often seen.

Inside those walls on All Hallows’ Eve,
There are things that’ll raise your skin;
Like an ice cold touch, or a creaking chair,
Or a slamming door within.

And don’t peer in through the cellar glass,
Where there’re bodies buried there;
With eyes in jars that are lined on shelves,
That will turn on you and stare.

If I were you I would not step in
To the side graveyard as well;
For on that night rise up ghouls and ghosts
That will drag you down to hell.

So on that eve and inside that house,
The spooks come out shaking moths and mouse.
The skeletons move in closets and graves,
While crimson pours down the hallways in waves.

The dead start laughing as the portraits scream,
With Steinway playing a spine chilling theme.
A specter’s dragging chains along the floor,
As the wind blows ‘round with a horrible roar.

Blood sprays on walls as the lights turn red,
And through locked doors pass a corpse’s head.
So wherever you go to get treats to bite -
I’d run past that house going out that night.

Editing stage: 
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Not Explicit Content


your words paint a vivid picture of Halloween. I enjoyed the reading of it. you have a few misspelled words, but I liked the ideas set to structure. good luck on the contest.

*hugs, Cat

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author comment

I changed Hallows Eve to All Hallows’ Eve in the first line of the second stanza of the poem. I did not find any other typos in my poem. I checked all the contractions carefully again. Thank you very much for your feedback.

author comment

Reminded me of campfire stories or a fun library story time with the librarian dressed up like a witch. I could vividly picture the story and every line brought chills. Beware of that house for sure. Have a Happy Halloween :) and good luck.

Great poem, paints a good image of Halloween.

Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed the poem.

author comment
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