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K e r o s e n e ...........................................................................

river curdled with ice
her bending dark naked trunks
laced with mists
rising from her trees
where she eats the banks
with her hunger of spring

washs snow from cemetary hill
down civil war brickwork
lane copper roof gathering
halls and slate sheen snow
sliding slow
mists climbing like the river
valley dreams
the clouds that slept too long
and linger on

over a town of ironwork
that twists like nettles
on steaming factories

she carries a jug of kerosene
in a tin pail
a screw down lid
her hair gleaming
with that one squinting
eye of sun
brilliant as blood on her
red cloak

she is off to grannies
past the field and the
creek past the leaning
waving slender of the
forest dark remembered
to her Grannies
old and frail
where the mists rise
hiding veil

and the jaundice
the yellow creeping
watching sneaking

padding closer
softly bolder

Editing stage: 


a poet loped into town
and sat down

and met his "hood"

author comment

I met someone awhile ago
someone special to

we put down some history
and it was good

Todays system is powerful
long long long ago
in fuedal times
medieval times

a womans power as provider of
life.. caregiver
tending the old and wounded
children was a solid essence
of spirit community and tribe

the old stories of wolf and hood
were the soap opera sagas of their day
granny and hood
being eaten and the woodsmen
the basic warriors of the
group allowing rebirth

the sharp edge of morality
a blade and justice

wolves would eat the cattle and livestock
and that was the protein for the village
no big macs back then medicine in
its infancy just healers

wolfs hunger drive cunning stealth
elusive mystery the draw and fear
the bad boy and or girl of history
raising their brood

I have yet to see the latest movie
on this but will one day

thanks for the comment Lonnie!!

author comment

How many stories have you laced together with grand words.
To bring such pictures to the mind, of history and nursery rhymes.
One of your usual top writes, Yours Ian.T

PS:- must try to write the odd one like this LOL

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

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