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Cartel Love
you ride in hidden case
emerge in rooms dripping
with hot energy
closed curtain lust
Leopard print
Holster sex
a warm piece
on my hips

sopping footprints
and smeared tiled
The Dark Sedan
in suns blaze
We drink delicious
the poisons of
knocking the bed bare
with voyages of
savaged delights
carnal scars
Trophy beings
coming up for air
Like tigerz in tall grass
filling the paper covered
glass with prints

Towels sheets in a heap
the downtown dusk
still full of Heat
tucking in shirts
hauling up your dress
Brilliant eyes
behind designer
frame and lens

The motor ticking
over and AC
blowing off the
while surround
Dubstep beats
wash our sins
away street
by busy

Editing stage: 
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