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Let It Out

do I let it out
Word by word
Do you think
They will listen?

Nightly chased
By worries
That suffocate
The stars

Hope, a speck
Only seen
Under a

Most see
A speeding
Car driving
Into a wall

As the sound of the
Crash makes
A heart run
For cover

As for me
It is a walk
In the dark
On a mountain
With no pathway
Just branches
To hold you up

What, do I wait?
For doubt to play
Her hand
In a game of poker
Only she wins

Or do I believe
In the broken soul
Within that may break
But like humpty dumpty
Is put together

Carry on walking
Till I reach the top
Pick up the phone
Call doubt
And tell him
You know

What to do?
Now I can breathe
Since I told you

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Let It Out" presents a vivid exploration of personal struggle, fear, doubt, and resilience. The use of metaphors and imagery enhances the emotional depth of the piece. However, there are several areas where the poem could benefit from refinement.

1. Consistency in Punctuation: The poem inconsistently uses punctuation. For instance, some lines end with a period, while others do not. This inconsistency can disrupt the reader's rhythm and understanding. It would be beneficial to review the poem and ensure the use of punctuation is consistent and purposeful.

2. Clarity in Metaphors: While the metaphors used in the poem are engaging, some may be too abstract or complex for readers to understand immediately. For example, the metaphor of a "game of poker" in relation to doubt could be more explicitly connected to the theme of personal struggle.

3. Structure and Flow: The poem seems to shift between different thoughts and ideas without clear transitions. This can make the poem feel disjointed. Consider revising the structure to ensure a smoother flow between ideas.

4. Use of Cliches: The reference to "Humpty Dumpty" is a commonly used cliche. While cliches can sometimes serve a purpose, they often lack originality. Consider replacing this with a more unique metaphor or image.

5. Conclusion: The ending of the poem could be more impactful. The current ending, "Now I can breathe / Since I told you", is a bit vague and does not provide a strong resolution. Consider revising this to provide a more powerful or thought-provoking conclusion.

Overall, "Let It Out" has a strong emotional core and uses creative metaphors to convey its themes. By addressing the above points, the poem can become more polished and impactful.

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I like this one.I thought the imagery of a mountain walk with branches for support is particularly powerful. The metaphor of doubt as a poker player is also striking.
I also find the ending with questions exquisite.
Really good to read you friend.
Well done!
P.S. S. 8 Humpty needs a "t"


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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the message of hope, that your story will be told.
The rigors of life are such that we barely have time at any point, to tell people how we feel,
let alone expect them to understand. I felt the aloneness, yet relief of having spoken of these concerns.
I feel that you will always strive to be clear about what bothers you, and the hope that we will know you do
your best.

Best lines:
Carry on walking
Till I reach the top
Pick up the phone
Call doubt
and tell him
You know
~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Your right on your analysis bro.

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