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Life Is Hard Enough

Why can't people stay in their lane?
Stay out other people's marriage
Love one another in knowledge
Not in other people's knowledge.

Why can't meddlers stay their own course
Why can't meddlers stay in their lane?
If he ain't concern with her tone
Why you making it your concern?

She's having everything her way
He's gets all his loving his way
Why can't haters stay in their lane?
The mis'rables loves company.

When she's happy, he is happy
Her whole family is happy
Why can't you stay out their marriage
Why can't you stay in your own lane?

Editing stage: 


Nice quatern! You've chosen a good subject for that repeated line - it makes the poem powerful in its delivery - I could feel the frustration and angst throughout because of it.

I think you have done a really good job with this one Barbara. :)

Syllable count:

Second stanza = first line 7 ( meddlers is 2 syllables )

Third stanza = last line 9 ( miserables is 4 )

it's hard to think what could replace meddlers - gossips ( not sure that would work )
"those unhappy love company" - maybe - ( just ideas )

That's according to my syllable count - see what others say.

Love Mand xxxx

P.s title is perfect

Thanks for the suggestion. I've fixed them. Sometimes ppl don't realize how destructive it is to a marriage to tell man how just show speak to him when he'd Neva thought it to be a problem bf their meddling. Now you can't even open your mouth without being attacked and called disrespectful. I felt this new found form was a good way to write about this issue. I'm glad you like it and helped me get those syllable right.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

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Thumbs up from me! xxxx

Thums up from me too Barbara


raj (sublime_ocean)

First of all "mis'rable" is pronounced naturally with but three syllables. The contraction is how you would say it in a natural sentence. Say it aloud in a sentence.

Now the important stuff. Your refrain must match the stanza. For example the last stanza is perfect. The refrain belongs there. In some of the other stanza the line is simply there because it has to be according to the form. It should feel like the continuation of a sentence. As though it were the second half of a thought.
Does that make sense?

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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I read Miserables as three syllables naturally as you said. But I check the dictionary and it is 4 syllable technically therefore I drop the to make it work. Both ways sound good to me bc I pronounced it naturally any way and if any pronounce it according to dictionary it's also correct.
As for refrain I changed it slightly purposely in each stanza so the feel works for me. I will though look it over to see if I can make it better. Any suggestions Sir Wesley.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

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Once again we have words from many part of the world that are spoken with accents or should I say accent on various parts of a long word, so we have a problem sometimes, not to worry your accent to me would be like music to others it may grate.

Mis er ab les.. or Mis er able.. the first being similar to the French as when you add an "s" it seems to stretch the word into one more syllable, the second one is just the three syllables and more correct.
"Misery likes company" is an old cliché which may help in this word sort, lol
Take care young Lady and the poetry will become as you speak and will not lose it's beauty, though damn it we have to stick to form when writing set pieces.
Yours as always Ian xx

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

This is helpful. I purposely rebranded the cliches. I think it works. I think mis'rables with the 's' is still 3 syllables. Mi'-ra-bles. Thank for you eloquent critique. I have edited some but had to wait s bit for Google docs on my iPhone snd iPad to sync edits

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

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I still add that your poem has a voice..a strong narrative
theme....its powerful...natural one..
The words of spoken language are work we
have three languages..or we get to hear expressions
and explanations...French canadian..German..and of
course English...Dialect is like poetry...sacre blu to say
somethings in its correct derivative where you live or grew
up...if one was writing a book of poems from the south
One would be inclusive to the language and style..
In the north one would have the inflections that make
us sound funny to say. Australlians..both English speaking
countries.. From you Barbara I am getting this style of have this patience in your writing..and vigor
and ardor about life...Conviction about the common morality too
which I like. I relate to the poem...One of the ones who colors
outside the lines....and to conclude with my comment..To this poem and you as a poet ..There is nothing wrong with rules..Or to
pertain to manners where people will not be injured by a selfish unkindness! My Bunni is like this..perhaps we balance!! Thank You Barbara!

-(I am one who colors outside the lines)~Correction!
thank you.

Thanks I'm glad you relate and like it

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

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