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Memory Banks

some memories remain
bright and shiney
sparkling like golden coins
on cold volcanic ash

helpful maintainers of the way
rekindling faded or failing hope;

the bursting joys of youth playfully resurrected
the replay of one's first love, dancing naked
but for a moonlit tierra of daiseys
that trophy year, becoming a winner
when dreams seemed limitless

these are the sweet goading motors of forward motion

and what of the hidden memories
burrowed in the ash heap of time
so deep into the dark
only a mournful cry of "no" can arise

yes, they also have value

that groaning imageless "no",
reminiscent of pain and regret,
it too becomes an ally;
a warning signal, a cautionary tale


don't do that again

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Keep writing, stay focused and positive, people will still negative outside of your circle, so what as long as you're mind is free this lost world will never matter
Very special words a good fitting for them really good in its truest form.

Mario Vitale

thank you Mario

for the pep talk
and the stuff about the poem


author comment

Do you know the film "Upside Down" ? Here the recreation of how the mind stores memories is quite stunning and true, and at the same time hysterically funny. The memory banks are huge cities of shelves carrying bowling balls..If you haven't, see the film. (an animation)
For me there is very nice music in the words of this poem, and great images!

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

thank you Mark

I hope you stay honest with me
sometimes after a glowing critique is given to someone else's poem, that person feels obligated to say nice things in return...just to be polite.
please don't ever be one of them.

I value your honest and true opinions
and believe you have maintained that integrity in the past, and always will

but...I had to ask
compliments make me nervous sometimes. I don't know how to respond
criticism, I have come to expect throughout my life

thanks again,


author comment

As long as the OS is good if the system slows down just pull out the RAM rub it with a pencil eraser and re-install helps to speed up memories :)

humor apart I liked the good play of words to create this...

raj (sublime_ocean)

I don't have a clue about the innards of a computer, or a tv for that matter, or new model cars, or even a microwave oven.
It is scary, how much I don't know
maybe even scarier, that I don't give a damn

thanks for reading and responding


author comment
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