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Name Your Poison

I like bars
a habitat best suited for my nature

It's the ambiance, the conviviality
of a communal living room.
No Mr. or Mrs. Anyone, just Joe or Eddie,
or Pops, or Lottie.
Please check all affectations at the door

Relatable music on the box
Lots of sad songs (don't know why that is)
A pool table (almost a must)
No TV (always a plus)
and a small, but decent menu (if you dare)

The starting line-up are
the pro drinkers who can hold their liquor
allowing them to consider
or to claim the quiet spot to dwell on
whatever, it's a free country.

And, of course,
the eagle-eyed bartender
keeping tabs on hunched
dim-lit silhouettes;
bar stool veterans;
not much chatter, not much fuss.

A flow of comers and goers
...keepin' it fresh.
Whoa!, this might be a night to remember
Lottie just walked in (she's a pistol, sharp and sassy).

By the way, I don't drink.
Nobody cares.
"Keep them Shirley Temples comin'"
I'm not going anywhere...soon.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Great portrait, great little vignette even, dare I say? Being an old pommie/limey/whatever we're called now - I had a favourite great little "pub" rather than bar. It became a home from home when i was younger (methinks he props up the bar too much..) - so nowadays, I no longer partake in a tipple, but still love the atmosphere, and the stories, and the people - so many characters.

Thanks again, enjoyed.


PS - I think the form is finding you, lots of little pararhymes, puns etc. which is great, because it makes it original - i.e. you. Cheers.

PPS - did Lottie make it home ;) ?

Chris Hall - Tasmania

Grossbooted draymen rolled barrels dullthudding out of Prince's stores and bumped them up on the brewery float. On the brewery float bumped dullthudding barrels rolled by grossbooted draymen out of Prince's stores.

thanks Chris

I didn't start writing until later in life, not including some songs while working as a pop musician, and never thought I could ever call any subsequent pieces as poetry per se.
But some, I think, would qualify as such. Most though, have more of a prose poetry style, which I still post on a this 'poetry site'. I haven't been tossed yet!
so. I guess I'm still in good standing.

I'm glad you sense the 'poetics', slight as they may be at times.

Back in the day, Lottie would not have made it home, if I had my say.
These days, I'd rather sleep alone, a benefit, or curse of getting older (much older)

thanks again,


author comment

Like Chris, this reminds me of many a Friday night down the pub. Lovely snapshot with all the subtle nuances that enable you to paint such a perfect picture. Jx

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

thank you Jane
I spent years in nightclubs, tending bar when my band was not booked in some other horrid nightclub... Loud, crowded, and hyper....
Not the same, at all, as a local bar (pub) where people can actually relate to others, laugh, and kibitz, and even converse!
just thought I'd do this simple sketch out of reverence to that hallowed temple of the people.


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