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Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

Liars! All who boast
There’s no regrets.
You who see your do’s and deeds
And shitty love affairs
As in some perfect harmony;
Through all the wasted days,
In the commerce of survival
As part of raw humanity
Living as you live
From sorrow to sorrow
Like a prisoner of tomorrow.

I feed from the tree of regrets
The fruit known to poetry; Yes,
I know the sour taste of boredom
And the imaginary revenges
Of betrayals for money or desire,
And detest the lost hours
Daydreaming with a dumb smile.

But don’t try to fool me!
There’s little time left
To set back the hand of hours
With only adoration
Of the times well spent;
For they only exist
In the shadow of regrets.

Last few words: 
The title is a from one of the most famous songs of France in the 20th Century, sung by Edith Piaf, one of her masterpieces. She sings how she regrets nothing. I thought about it, and people like her who say they have no regrets... "Mais excusez-moi, Dame Piaf, j’en ai" ( Excuse me, Dame Piaf, I have some) ..
Editing stage: 


this word doesn't behoove the dignity of this songfull poetry
Could you consider replacing it kindly
if it does you please.

I have reviewed

Interesting at a recent workshop of 10 poets I read this poem. 7 liked that word in that context,3 didn’t...I will consider your comment when I revisit one day. It does have a certain rawness hard to find with other words Thanks for you comment

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

author comment

we can't please all
you may overlook my view
in an over all better perspective

a nice cheeky response to Edith and the like. "the sour taste of boredom" "daydreaming with a dumb smile." a good laugh and a humbling consideration of how we really spend our time in life.

Great poem on an important subject.
Denying regret is almost like denying existence of God the more convincing one tries to be the more he reveals his doubts.
If you would be given one chance in life to fix something would you still keep it or use it on something in your past?


and such a hypothetical..I..I suppose I would opt to fix things, make the other choices, get something in the way of accidents, decide to have stayed in Paris and lived there...endless. But as Eliot put it

'Or say that the end precedes the beginning,
And the end and the beginning were always there
Before the beginning and after the end.
And all is always now.'

And within that now are magic moments and regrets.


I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

author comment

Thank you for such a poetic reply


and it's power is immense.

I like your poem, its intent and meaning, but to use her title borders on blasphemy. It is at least an irreverence I do not appreciate.

Change that and I will change the entire critique.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I was living in Paris is the years following Piaf's death and her influence on me and all France was huge. I loved that song, written by Charles Dumont. Recently I heard the song used in a tv commercial and got me thinking how disingenuous it is. To live without any regret is almost psychotic, like an assassin or hitman. I used the title because it was what prompted the poem, to get everyone who claims to embrace it as truth are not being truthful with themselves. It may make you feel good while singing along, but, like the song writer himself, we all have to admit to regret. And this is not a bad thing. Denying regret is. The subject of the song seems more "blasphemous". It does not in any way diminish my reverence for Piaf...just a come to jesus about the message of the song. It's so easy to say, and feels good to say it, but it is not a truth any compassionate person should embrace. For now I'm not sure how to introduce the theme of the poem without referencing it , but i'm open to suggestion.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

author comment

my take on it is just a bit different.

Sure, I fucked up, regret heaps, would change a lot if I could but it all ended up as me.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

only people who make no mistakes are those who never Do anything.......I must do a LOT lol. Only complaint I have on this poem is starting each line with a capital although they are not needed in each instance. But a good subject and I have no regrets in having taken time to read this.......stan

The website is gone, but I can cut and paste this in....why cap? I agree with this:

•to remind myself that I am writing a poem;
•to underscore to myself the integrity of the line, which is after all what distinguishes poetry from all other literary genres;
•to connect myself to history for a very brief moment before I go on to say what I myself have to say now;
•to give each line--however subtle--its own authority;
•to suggest that, although I may be telling a story, it is not a regular story, and certainly not prose;
•to make my enjambment have to work honestly, and to give my end-stopped lines greater Moment;
•to build up thoughtful pacing in a poem, suggesting or invoking a little more strongly all the reasons we break lines to begin with--breath, heartbeat, dramatic intention;
•to recognize this use of the shift key as a self-conscious act, which raises the stakes for everyone and everything--the poem, the poet, and the reader;
•to do more work in this small moment, knowing that work makes more things happen;
•to rhyme--that is, to use this recurring, predictable device of capitalization in the ways that poems have often used many devices, such as rhyme, to give structure and sensibility to the poem; knowing that I'm going to capitalize the first word in each line gives all my poems at least some rudimentary structure;
•to understand that a poem cannot be contained--rather, it launches outward and away from what we know; that is, capitalizing the first letter of a line can be predicted and controlled ahead of time, but that's all that can be controlled, so that the poem, each line of the way, is launched, and this launching, this kicking away from the shore of the left margin is always an act of power, imagination, and adventure.

So for now I am on the Cap team. It is a small point, but I am in the majority. As you are somewhat a traditionist I'm surprised you are not also. I have no problem with others who do not, nor those that avoid punctuation, one of the few tools we have...but after all is said, it's about how the poem SOUNDS.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

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