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in pain

In pain I saw the hills today
my back with age shouts
No longer the youth I was
with vigour

wake from restless dreams
to chores waiting
I have a place in my gods world
and thank him so for
small rewards
my freind

sometimes when Im not looking
out and caught up in my moody
blue my god still remembers
you for Ive said a prayer
to all

remembering that Im not
selfish after all

Editing stage: 


This poem hits home. It reminds me with the onslaught of aging's aches and pains, I forget to count my blessings. All the wonderful gifts that are mine. Thank you for this write!

sometimes when Im not looking
out and caught up in my moody
blue my god still remembers
you for Ive said a prayer
to all

remembering that Im not
selfish after all

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Now with your heart
on your washing up sleeve
you say how you feel directly,
how damnable it is with pain, t
hat bug bear that a wolf shouldn't have,
we banish it away, but we can't,
we can will it to go and as you know
you have ancestors that possibly could,
so well do our best to soothe.
Big sigh and how lucky we are, so far.


"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

carried about forty some pounds on my back
for the house yesterday on the bike
up the hill for a long time across the hot city
woke up today and was restless all night
I can rest and get better but some are
not going too I said a thanks for what
I do have that I at least can still do this
now and then carry this amount still at my
age So many have back knee problems
etc or other conditions

so instead of just the out there poetry
I wrote this

Thank You

author comment

When in pain just think of me
There can be no gain
without pain,
your back aches like mine did yesterday
'tis your turn to bear the load,
I carried so far
I'd wish you know
pain is the engine of love,
without any pain none can drain
thus life we can only sustain,
when we are able to bear pain
ask any lady if in doubt...


not sure why
it really is much more prose than your usual
but i love the opening line
'In pain I saw the hills today'
and the write kept me interested

i know you're not worried about any apostrophes missing lol
but there is one typo -- freind (friend)

love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

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