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RAIN repost

it’s been raining for days
and the heat falls with
heavy stillness in the air.
my muscles begin to lock,
my bones scream for
the pain, and a dark cloud
fills my brain.
I can’t stop the rain.
only the Rainmaker can

Editing stage: 


fall back
clear land
the land takes back
what was always the land
Did I tame my years
and create things that grew
or was I removing
the hunger to make my fill

I will never know
the why is a madness
too fathom

when I read ur works
I see the wry
and feel the ache
the anger and betrayal
I see the storms
milliamp moments
when the wattage
of life courses through
me shock and fear
laced like a horse
on strychnine
and even these are fading
times change
the doors to the coluseum
for tourists like pompei
home to its cats

memories are my old battery
and I grind on living
knowing those that went
in line ahead of me

"I cant stop the rain
only the rainmaker can"

the tricksters
the illusionists
when our lives
become illusions
the wonder of minutes
days weeks

perhaps the happiness
was some kind of enjoyment
the wonder made up
but I know it was real

we all go through a lot
and we all go through

on a winter day
thats severe enough
thank U Joe!

come back Joe of rain
twill cool things

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