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turned newels
throw light like overflowing
pools lapped with amber

a brilliant sun scorches
its tongue on a sky
like gasoline on water

and in the rattling room
of air conditioned cool
she pads
damp feet leaving
tracks on old carpet
coming undone
dark welts of sour
throws a leg over
the chrome and
turquoise of
the chair
and settles slow
facing me in
my faded jeans
the drips slow
like a winter
her eyes like
buttered soft
with the daze
of our excursion
and exhaustion
On the Run

Storm warnings
crackle in the
wet atmosphere
dizzy and sweet
the bottle of corn
mash whiskey
like fire in our
in our throats
Water trickles
and the rain starts
outside its dance
on aged aluminum
the wind throwing
itself on the plate
the curtians steady
and thick full of
dust and smoke
while lightning speaks
rumbling the town
the power flickers
and her dark lids
throwing her head
back like a black
my hands walking
up her sides
holding her weight
as our middles
meet full of its
heat sweat
urgency and humid
hungry need

a flash on the
old bed and cracked
oil glistening
her skin sheen
pure full of gooseflesh
lean from running
a wolfish tone to
her cheeks
and long nose
nostrils flared
teeth white
like the pouring
sky and edge
of the front
lit up like hot

the Wasteland
power grid
we slide
our minds burning
synapses snapping
like the weak branches

the rain pours
gushing from the
roofs eave
a damp beneath
the parking lot
we growl and
howl our faces
two animals in
gnashing teeth
the bed distant
ravaged like
an ivory sea
and the television
portal flickers
full of its haste
and electric
ecstatic life


Editing stage: 


hot write!
lots to like...and I do, lots


Listening to Courtney Love's "car crash"
then sixties surf rock....vietnam era music
the childhood fear of going there and
forced to watch the news at six and then
eleven before bed at the cottage..
meeting the vets....
then kicking it up on the road with
various old ladies..
packed up with road mates...
always something going on
some house to restore..tear
wood too split..lawns too rake
fishing trips..
campfires and tenting adventures...
crashed out on a shore on a
towel and a pack...
a loaner luxury car kept immaculate
and clean
it was a life...
political and rampant with
lean and excessive skies
giving rides to the lifers
and grifters on the hustle
moving cities too cities
young and ancients

glad too be in as decent
shape as I am for an old
pole cat! glad too have
my contacts as many as
I can from that time...
when you dig in and work
for your little platoon
you belong
watching with the eyes
and keeping everyones

the ol track!

keep on writing!
keep on trucking!
keep on living!

over and out
Mr Esker...(Mr Wolf)

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