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Scene from a dream (a working title. Storytelling workshop)

Night-time stride beneath fair moon-light,
looking left, the ocean rocking,
breaks white sprays on hilly shores.
Endless wavelets course the docks.

Warring thoughts, something’s not right here...
Past the docks I spy some buildings.
Amber lights reveal a scurry.
Dream feet flight, I’m instantly there.

Hundreds flee, in hurried fashion,
signalling to trail their lead.
Dread is heavy, as a sickness;
can’t shake this feel we all may die!

Scampering towards a mountain,
closer now, I see a cave mouth.
Moon-lit clusters hurry in as
fallen shadows disappearing.

Now I know I feel an evil.
People vanish in the darkness,
screams and cries increase with fear.
Instincts urge I hide away

Everything’s quiet

Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
Editing stage: 


This piece, as it stands, is not what I envision for this workshop. It was actually written for weirdelfs More Meter workshop, I was trying to be brief (because of length restraints) and I think too much is crammed in these lines.

I would like to re-write the whole thing with more description and feeling. I have never written long poems, it's just never been my forte. And that's why I'm here!

I only post this, as it is, even with that last line (which would have been another verse), because I need to know if I'm on the right track.

So what are your feelings.
Ps, sorry I haven't been online much lately, friends and family... life you know:P another reason I post this as is. I do care, immensely. I will read the other submission as soon as I can.
peace guys.

If I had it my way I'd be up on a mountain. Playing my guitar,
until my calluses grew calluses, my arse a chair and my smile into a halo

author comment

I think this could work really well for the workshop.

The meter is beautiful and really brings out the images you've supplied us with through the (seeming) chaos of the scene to the art it is to write it. It's a really nice extra-diegetic element:)!

However if you were to rewrite for this workshop I think you'd have to lay off the emotion a little -- please let me explain. It's great as it is as a glimspe of a moment but as a longer work I think it would be a little too vague or internal for the audience to realise what is going on.

Again let me reitierate that I absolutely love this.

Some pedantic revisions though if you don't mind:p:

L5: cut out 'here'
L6: turn comma into semi-colon
L21: add full-stop.

That's it and feel free to ignore those if you want:)!

I feel this does not fit the criteria at all for the first part of the workshop
As it stands the poem is excellent but not what the doctor ordered

where will this be taken I did not get the feeling I wanted to read on after the last line. It is a complete poem unto itself
who or what is the main theme , this should just set the background for the first part I don't feel it completely did this

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

everyone else on this. I just didn't get quite enough information to let me know what the story-line is. I do think that with some re-working, that it could get there. Is this about the people of Japan when they were hiding in underground tunnels because of the war?

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I enjoyed the last line. You've set a great exposition, IMO. You build up tension with your lines in a way that's quite thrilling. And it was short. That too was awesome.

No verse is free for the man who wants to do a good job. - TS Eliot

I should have mentioned what this story is about, as it is not complete yet... It is a dream that I had, a very vague dream that I hope to embelish with what I feel it means... without giving away to much of my interpretation. In hindsight now, I am kinda doubting it's worth here.

It is very obscure: in the dream I was walking under the moon light with the waves crashing on the docks and the rocky shores to my left and in front of me. I start to make out what looks like a small, modern-ish village of sorts in front of me. It seems as though they were celebrating something; there are strings of amber lights cascading between streets lights on the right and the buildings on the left, very near the shore line.(I'd say the moon was setting in the west, so the 'back' of the building would be south-facing(which is; sea-facing))

As soon as I notice this in the dream I am instantly there. People are on the street, all the way into the distance. A commotion starts and they call the people to get out of the buildings. Everyone is calling, shouting and crying, beckoning each other up the hill to the right. I follow, obviously sensing something not right. We clamber up the hill to a cave entrance, into a larger mountain. As we all enter, things change. It's very dark but I can 'feel' what’s happening and almost 'see' it, through dream senses.

There are so many people, they can't help but be loud, but they seem to know what to do, so the sounds die down as they run off, to try and hide. I hear that something is entering from outside, I'm about 50 metres in the cave, my dream sense almost allows me to discern the creature, (He's actually a sea monster that I drew about 10 years ago.**) though in the dream I see mostly a shadow. I have hidden away, behind some rocks. Keeping my cool, I try to breath slow. I can sense its long tendril-like fingers reaching out before I hear their scratching on the rocks. I fear that he may smell me; I fear his fingers may find me first. He grows nearer and I try my friggin’ hardest to become part of the cave, holding my breath! His fingers scrape the rocks just ahead of me, I can see his body. He must be a demon, a dark being, for one to be able to see him in darkness. I see his sharp grin and bulging eyes, his huge body, floating past me.

He's searching to kill, though he must have no sense of smell. This giant passes without detecting me. I wait for him to turn the corner ahead and I silently sigh. I sense he's gone into other channels of the cave. Slowly stalking through the cave, I wander around, hearing cries of those he's found, it feels like ages pass. Things seem quiet, I eventually see a light. It's the light of the sun, I'm sure. (Maybe daylight stopped the creature.) Following this light I hear people calling again, only this time more hopeful. I see were the light is coming from, I've reached the opening. It's bright and as I reach for the exit, a hand clutches mine to help out. It doesn't seem that there are many people on the other side. The sun has risen, my dream eyes fly out to view the scene; us few, outside the cave mouth, near the mountain top, its gradient levelling below towards the shore. The little village and the dock and rocky shores, everything seems bright and cheery, just as a typical sunny day.

**The creature is almost like a man turned into a whale, he has a whispy shadow like appearance, very ethereal. His body is about 8 metres long, 1 metre in width around the base, tapering off toward the tail. The tail is akin to an eels. He has anthropomorphic arms situated just below the head. As with the rest of his body, his arms are very tough and muscular. His upper arm is shorter in ratio to his more lengthily forearms'. He has larger, partially webbed hands and elongated fingers (about 40cm's in length). His face is flatter than ours, closer to a chimp’s, stretching out dome-like from his 1 metre girth. His ears are aquatic, as a whale’s. He has one nostril, as large as a hand flat against his face. His mouth is full of short, sharp staggered teeth, which wrap around his head, under his eyes. His eyes are on the side of his head, they are round and slightly bulbous, almost glowing, but as empty as he seems.

And now that I have actually written this out, I fear, even more, that I may need a new idea.

If I had it my way I'd be up on a mountain. Playing my guitar,
until my calluses grew calluses, my arse a chair and my smile into a halo

author comment

i think you have a really great start to a poem. Now bring it to why these people are doing what they are and post that. That is the way we are supposed to post it. Each crux or point made, one post at a time. ~ Geezer

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

There are fewer problems here than you think.
The poem as it stands is a complication. Check out my comment to Geezer's poem and that will explain more elaborately what I will just say quickly here.

This is a thought everyone can take note of.
Our four component parts do NOT have to come in a specific order. Bloodstone, you began your story with a complication and that IS NOT WRONG. Now you simply need to slow down a tad, back up and give us a little background before roaring on again. So, I say again... DO NOT GIVE THIS UP JUST YET. It has promise.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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The NeoPoet Mentor Program

if you leave this hanging, but I understand that life sometimes calls. This is good piece regardless of what you think. I'd love to see it finished, but understand if not. wesley

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program computer went on the fritz for a few days with a crashed hard drive, thank the gods I backed up recently. Whenever my PC is broke I start finding other things to do and it takes me a while to get addicted to the internet again, LOL:D

Wes, I'm kinda giving the deadline a miss and I'm sorry that this is all I have here. On the plus side this workshop has inspired me to stick with this story. Every now and then I think about it and new characters are appearing, new parts of the story are slowly coming together, changing, evolving.

Since school days I've never really tried to write a concise story. I'm having fun, and I ain't going to rush through this. It may take weeks, or months, before I update, but I promise, as soon as I reach some new ground you guys will be the first to see it.

once again I apologise for my truancy:P I have been rather busy lately. I haven't forgotten you guys!

If I had it my way I'd be up on a mountain. Playing my guitar,
until my calluses grew calluses, my arse a chair and my smile into a halo

author comment

... has led you to consider narrative poetry on a larger scale then it has done what I intended. As always, it's great to see a poet create something complete in a shop, but narrative poetry can be very new to a lot of the poets here and anything beyond a cursory attempt is seriously time consuming. I know that better than most. It has taken me seven years to produce the 20,000+ lines in my epic and I've barely begun the story. Just do us the favor of seeing yours as it progresses. Not only can we help you with the endeavor, but it's fun too.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

I'm still alive, and pondering this poem:) Thought I'd update my thoughts: this piece, at whole, is still evolving. This is a thought to what I imagine will be the beginning of the poem:

breezes round smoke toward low, resting clouds;
settle my spirit to this quiet town,
one where there's quiet from tribes once at war,
peaceful and yet, in defence of their lore.

Three men, so wise, discuss the woes
that fate has cast from mythful foes.
Oil-lamps flicker fur-skins and full beards,
one to the other discuss hopes and fears.

"This meager boy, whom fate justly succumbs,
shall realize not in (such) frivolous youth,
the line that returns in his blood, from the womb,
so pure and unknowing, so strong sayeth the sooth"

obviously, not complete, but I'm writting as fancy takes me:)
Peace, brothers and sisters

If I had it my way I'd be up on a mountain. Playing my guitar,
until my calluses grew calluses, my arse a chair and my smile into a halo

author comment

I've been having trouble "being" of late also, so I was unaware that you were not here. I'm gladdened to see you hanging on this (or perhaps it's hanging on to you?). I certainly wouldn't mind you throwing out bits and pieces of this as you come to them.
In the meantime I'm running a workshop on rhyme starting June 1st. It will be low keyed and not demand a lot of your writing time beyond some experimentation and discussions about the 40 odd different types of rhyme English speaking writers use these days.
Love to have you there and you might find it informative.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

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