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Seductive Nights

I first scoped your ass
as my eyes moved up your chest
staring, my thoughts so clear
it could touch your breasts.

My heart pulsated
as with rhythmic muse
you were naked
under sheets of satin blue.

Your thighs left me agaze, mesmerized
dreamless, licking every inch
searching for places love blind
fulfilling your every wish.

Your pose was of seduction
measured with innocence
how sweet the infatuation
speaking the salacious.

I watched you, resistless
like a moth burned by light
your hips paralyzed me
at first sight.

Your beauty is regal
lethal on every thought defined
gorgeous from head to toe
you stole my mind.

She walks in shades of night
her footsteps fall on shadows
alone like a desert rose, time
cannot matter.

Sexy in her own right
sultry, intense like fire red diamonds
she makes everything in me rise
in soft summer winds.

You move me like strong weed
floating, intoxicating, choking
off the pearl of your seas
the dynamics, motion, dreams.

Lost in your bliss
and honey tasted lips
you tantalize my mind
when you come by.

Silver moons at your thighs
I can make lava flow
seismic reactions
until you cry.

Do you feel me?
I can see us clearly
me bouncing your pretty ass
in the moonlight.

Every deep stroke
is like poetry I wrote
across your soul
still wanting you more.

This passion is strong
in and out till dawn
all around till you cum
call my name thereof.

You're fine, no lie
your form is inviting
I can't stop writing
these seductive lines.

Your fingers outline my chest
the strength, the virility
your submission demands
with each caress.

Take all of me
and let me give you a sweet release
your caramel skin
on top of me.

In the nude
me and you
foreplay on your clitoris
as sexual movements come in rhythms.

You moan from start to finish
on these seductive nights
we play in quiet storms
your body wet in this sweet sex love.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
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