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“Shame is like words said
We can never take them back”
But can improve us

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The below is a computer generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Shame" is a concise and thought-provoking piece on the nature of shame. The first two lines aptly capture the idea that once something has been said or done, it cannot be undone. The final line provides a glimmer of hope in the possibility of improvement through the experience of shame.

One suggested line edit would be to add punctuation to the end of the first two lines to make the meaning clearer: "Shame is like words said, / We can never take them back." This small change would improve the flow and rhythm of the poem.

Overall, "Shame" effectively conveys a message about the power of shame and its potential to lead to personal growth. However, it could benefit from further development to explore the nuances of shame and its impact on individuals and society.

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Thank you, you are right

author comment

Hello, Clentin,
A wise senryu with a hopeful final thought. I like this a lot.
Thank you!

Thank you,
Just a thought after viewing an incident

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