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smitten mince

the rain entertains falling uncaring
the anarchy of eyes
troika of Loves
in decades torrential

what do I want
I want to get hard
I want to get wasted
I want to refrain from
this terrible mess
create a crash
in my head

nothing stirs
but the rain
my crocodile channels
where I slither and
inhaling the night
and sensing
and time
and defiance
and deliverance
like a deaf explosion
of brilliant memories

headlight eyes on blind
dusk crests
little gold crosses
on bad girls chests
the violet eyes
and pretty features
sinning with smiles
such beautiful creatures

sin like a black habit
like a lost sick dream
hearing our own voice
calling out...but every
door every room looks
the same...
forgotten what I look

but they remember me
the hate of their love
pressed upon me
like a lucky coin
a bright fruit plucked
from the limb

a poison of no known

dwellers of polite
I embraced the power
of your spirits
and found them good

and the wolf was
and laid down with
the lamb

and the rain fell
sharing the
infinite of worth
the ones
and the zeros


Editing stage: 
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.