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A Study in Pink: section nine9..

Just a recollection
I am Milford Lowe
The richest guy around, next to Harrods, with a bushy moustache, un-mistakenly American... Settled in UK... A cigar like Churchill and a rose like Nehru... I adorn...Love to show off my pot belly, as if it’s a modern mobile ATM. I have a body guard standing by in the crowd, who’d be like the bouncer in a bar downtown, where nudes dance. I was making love to a new date, a beautiful young bubbling belle, when I saw what I did from the corner of my eye. I can't disclose it, as my face was dug deep in her boobs. Well Sir how would such a character do for you.
‘’’Fitzroy's body lay lifeless, red blood ran pink in the rain....’’’!!!

Well you guys hold your horses
As I, Milford Lowe settle my cigar.
You can call me Millie, twill be okay
Setting my eyes on ma lady's bosom
Yeah I saw everything..
Hold on hold on, don't be impatient
Let me enjoy a puff, then I'll tell you everything
Now hear me, secretly and keep it to yourself only.

Fitzroy's body lay lifeless, red blood ran pink in the rain.
Without a head! Ah!!! Those guys in a coach threw a body out
There without a head, Fizzy’s body, who was so dead .
The one you all are running about is no amateur ,
I saw everything from behind the Fleet Street trees
You wanna proof? Yah I know your ilk
I got my bouncer chasing, here have a look at this blade.
This one who, was kidnapped twas Fitzroy .Just think damn it!

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Yeah, it surprised me and I really like it Loved.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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since amended
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author comment

Well you guys hold your horses
As I, Milford Lowe settle my cigar.
You can call me Millie, twill be okay
Setting my eyes on ma lady's bosom
Yeah I saw everything..
Hold on hold on, don't be impatient
Let me enjoy a puff, then I'll tell you everything
Now hear me, secretly and keep it to yourself only.

Fitzroy's body lay lifeless, red blood ran pink in the rain.
Without a head! Ah!!! Those guys in a coach threw a body out
There without a head, Fizzy’s body, who was so dead .
The one you all are running about is no amateur ,
I saw everything from behind the Fleet Street trees
You wanna proof? Yah I know your ilk
I got my bouncer chasing, here have a look at this blade.
This one who, was kidnapped twas Fitzroy .Just think damn it!

author comment

a grand write, now you have people thinking is it Fitzroy or who Maybe that Creel guy will have to tell it true, lol
Yours as always Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Let our master now speak
he wanted something unique from /of me
No gender speak!

author comment

Loved! You did very well! ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

then alone we come to know
how thorns prick

life isn't as easy as it seems
there are many a slips
between lips
glasses and drinks

where is our W Snow
deep behind the mountains snow
he will have to think more
arn't you all sure....
Have more....

author comment

of that I'm sure
and thank u
so much more

author comment

Think ol' Millie is trying to distract us with half truths. Well done

conveys confusion
howz the knee/s
any better?

I wonder why ws has not read this as yet

author comment
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