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Twenty first century civilization gone?... I askew.

Ah... what luxury to wax poetic
as freedom to trumpet thoughts,
ideas, emotions, et cetera will wane,
especially if president number forty five
courtesy wealth and/or stealth
dons the mantle as de facto fractious tyrant
of these United States
come November 5th, 2024
methinks perchance mankind always vain
n'er did appertain
moral hike polar opposite

from human being:
uncivil, unethical, unsocial, et cetera
minimally app proxy mating, neither didst
faithfully abide as citizen Kane
externally - nar main
ten an ounce, (asper atop figurative fain
faux shaw didst attain
"FAKE" horn o' manners), tolerance,
our predecessors didst abstain
nor internally between brain,

sans modest straight,
and ne'r did entertain
narrow true lofty salient tenet
absence of virtue tis no matter pray'n -
quite self evident, plain
as day, and vice gripped by
fratricide (or homicide
in general) endemic throughout
evolution of humanity dripping
nee gushing more'n

nah globule bloodstain,
viz more aptly bloodbath,
haply insinuated, embedded,
and accrued heart felt toehold gain
saying division among
caveman club rings animal hides
pelt did maintain
bare co-opted spirit hood
did micro reign
buzzfeed ding death,

via plenti did retain
aplomb murderous sprees kickstarter
thankfully guaranteeing (ha)
hardy internecine characteristic
kept in lock step with
proto humans enlightenment, qua
i.e. as earliest primates
acquired innate haughty
zealous apropos boastfulness
to ascend chain

of command anointing insane
lee flattering hashtag, re: (albeit ill fit
ting), yet utopian
appellation "noble savage,"
which inchoate bipedal hominids
(forerunners of Homo sapiens),
quickly dost wrought impertinent
sobriquet (by anonymous
simian "Einstein brain
child"), viz favored

killing one another
strove and still thrives,
since Adam and Eve,
for sport, but most
dramatically didst appear
purportedly, when Abel got slain by Cain
punctuated equilibrium lopping limb
and/or head off if one
didst dissent or complain
setting precedent for consanguineous
modern Roman Times

(font size twelve) brutish,
nasty, and short train
ning supposedly "civilized insubordinate"
Lorde foo fighting beastie boy
received fatal crackbrain
with imprimatur challenging authority,
sans grossly wading, brazen overstepping
circumscribed domain,
where thwack on noggin
determined, hence did explain
survival of fittest.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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reached at least one target out here! I guess we will just sit idlily by, while the rest of the world goes poof! Maybe not. I think that humankind is tougher than most anything out there. Our planet or anyone else's. I can imagine that if we indeed have some kind of alien culture looking out for us, [I mean that both ways], ["Look out, here they come!"]
I can hear the High Counsel nixing the idea of giving us advanced technology. "Are you fking crazy?" Ya wanna hand them that shit? They will be running our quadrant in no time." I see the future of humankind, as depending on our ability to lie to their faces and explain away circumstances. Hey maybe we need Trump after all? Good read, ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.